Chapter 13- Sore loser.

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"To congratulate the winner." Jayden says as we make our way to Dante's car as he exits it.

"Sick race bro!" Jayden says approaching Dante to dap him up. "That's gotta be your fastest time yet." Ryan adds." "Those upgrades you did really helped." Dante says smirking. His gaze then shifts to me, or should I say the person behind me. "Why the fuck is he here?" Dante points at Carter.

"Well I-" Carter begins. Dante's eyes shift to me. "I wasn't asking you." He is seriously rude. "He's here because he's with me." I answer.

"Right, sorry about your friend. I know you probably wanted him to win." Dante says with a smirk while leaning up against his car. Carter doesn't say anything, but once again- he looks angry.

"DAGGER!" A voice booms. "Here comes the sore loser." Jayden says & Ryan chuckles.

I turn to see a man a little shorter then Jayden, wearing all blue marching towards us. "Is that your friend?"
I turn to Carter and he nods. "You fucking cheated!" The man yells. "Look Luke, you've been trying to beat me
For years and you never have. Just give up." Dante chuckles.

"I would've beat you this time if you didn't cheat." The man I now know as Luke responds. "Classic Dante. Never playing fair." Carter mutters. I look at him in shock, did he really
Just say that. "You wanna say that again pussy?!" Dante says taking a step towards us.

"Woah, let's calm
Down because I am not getting hit." I say holding my hands up to separate the two. This is some pick me bitch shit. His eyes snap to
Mine and then back to Carter's.

"And who
Might you be?" Luke asks
As he licks his lips and looks at me."Zaria..." I respond. "Zaria, you've got the wrong color on babe.
You should be wearing blue." "You little bi-" Dante begins but I cut him off "considering you lost, and Dante won I think I'm wearing the right color." I shoot him a wink.

"A girl with attitude, I like that." He smirks. "I'm Luke." He reaches his hand out but before it can quite reach me it's slapped away and I'm pulled behind someone. Dante. "If that's all you came over here to say, I suggest you and your friend leave." Dante says coldly glaring at Carter and Luke.

" I suggest you watch your fucking back Dagger. You don't know what I can do."Gosh this dude talks to much."
"Ay she's not wrong."Jayden chimes in. Holy shit did I say that out loud? Dante turns to look at me smirking. Yup, I definitely did.

"Handle your bitch before I handle her for you. Luke says while pointing at me." "Handle his bitch? I question while pushing Dante from
Infront of me. "Who you callin a bitch?" "Zaria, just relax..." I hear Carter say. Is he fucking serious?

"So you're going to let him call me a bitch? Wow Carter" I can't help but laugh. "You're a bitch no?" Luke questions and I snap. I lunge at him but before I can make contact I'm grabbed and pulled back by Dante.

"Let go!" I struggle against his hold. "Calm the fuck down." Dante says sternly, and I'm not sure why, but I do. He lets me go and turns to Luke. "The only reason I put up with your bullshit is because of our fathers. But if you speak about her like that again, I'll forget that you're a family friend. Dante says glaring at Luke as he smirks.

"That's the thing, I'm untouchable. Because if you touch me, you'll lose everything." He's so fucking arrogant. "Well I won't." And before I know it Jayden swings and punches Luke smooth in the face. "Call her a bitch again, I dare you pretty boy." "What the hell!" Carter says getting in Jayden's face and shoving him.

"Don't touch him." I say getting inbetween the two. "You really wanna side with them Zaria? " "You mean with the people that defended me? Yes carter, I do." And that's as much as I can say before Jayden pulls me back by my arm.

"Let's go ZZ. I'll walk you to your car."  Carter gives me one more look before turning to help his friend regroup. Ryan & Dante remain by the car as Jayden walks me to mine.

"I'm sorry ZZ, I didn't expect the night to end like this."He sighs .
"Don't apologize Jayden, I had a great time, plus I got to see that right hook up close." I nudge his side & he laughs. "Can I ask you something Zaria?"

"Oh it must be serious, you said my name." "It is... yea. Where were you born?" Im a little thrown off by his question but I answer. "I was born in Georgia, why?" "Just curious." He says as we reach my car.

"Thanks for walking me here, and for inviting me
Tonight, it's been fun." "I'm glad, now bring it in ZZ." He says opening his arms wide. I smile &  give him a quick hug. "Text when you get to the dorms." He says sternly breaking the hug. "I will, goodnight Jayden." "Night."

And with that. I get in my car, and begin to drive back.


it's her. It has to be.

Carter switching up?? What is Jayden trying to figure out?! Keep reading to find out!

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