Chapter 23- Celebration.

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The pov changes quite a bit, so pay attention loves🩵

Notproofread so there may be mistakes sorry pookies

"So, first college game, first college win. How does it feel?" Jayden asks while using his spoon as a microphone. I laugh a little before answering. "Well, it feels pretty great to start the season off with a win."

"You guys are fucking weird." Dante grumbles from beside Jayden. After the game, Jayden offered to take me to dinner to celebrate, which in other words meant the whole rat pack.  And who am I to say no?

"Buzz kill." I mutter as I roll my eyes. "Aw don't worry Dante, you're still my favorite." Jayden reaches towards Dante's face before his hands are slapped away. "I don't care."

"Do you smile?" Queen chimes in as Ryan chuckles. "Do you ever shut up?" Dante fires back. "Rude much?" I say crossing my arms. "Very. I've got a call to take." Dante stands from the booth, and makes his way outside.

"So ZZ, what made you want to come to a diner? Jayden ask turning back towards me. "The foods good, plus I like this little place."

"Hi, I'm Tyler and I'll be your server, what I can get you guys to drink?" A man who looks around our age approaches our booth. "Sweet tea." Ryan blurts out right away. "sprite." "Make that two." Jayden follows up Queen.

"And for you beautiful?" The server ask focusing on me. I mentally cringe. " a water & a coke please." I give him a tight-lipped smile.

"I'll be right back." I look at Jayden who has a look of pure disgust on his face. "And for you beautiful?" He mocks while trying to hold his laugh. "Shut up it's not funny." I say glaring at him. "He's kinda cute, needs a hair cut though." Queen says staring at him as he makes our drinks.

"Not my cup of tea." I shrug. "Look at this lovely bunch we have here..." I look to see Luke approaching our table. The mood instantly shifts, and diner is filled with tension. "Great." I mutter as I pull my phone out my purse. "Why are you here Luke?" Jayden is the first to speak to him.

"If you must know, I'm here to speak to my brother. Speaking of him, where is he?" He begins looking around the diner. "He's outside, probably too busy for your bullshit." Ryan says as our server comes back. "Here are your drinks. Ready to order?" He ask while glancing at Luke.

Luke scoffs before pushing the server. "I'm clearly talking, aren't I? Shoo." He waves his hand at Tyler. Asshole. Tyler glances at the table, and then back at Luke. "I apologize,I'll be back."

"You know, some of us are actually hungry? So if you could leave that would be great. Thanks." Queen says leaning forward so she can see Luke. "And you are?" He questions. "Luke." A voice snaps  we look towards the door and Dante is glaring at Luke, and if looks could kill he'd be dead.

"Ah, there you are brother. We have much to discuss." Luke says sitting in Dante's seat. Dante makes his way to the booth. "Outside. Let's go." "Why not discuss it here?" Luke pushes. Dante glances at Jayden, before sitting down next to me.

Luckily this booth is big. Me, Queen, and now.. Dante are sat on one side while Ryan, Jayden, and Luke are sat on the other. I reach for my water, and slide the coke In front of Dante. He raises a brow at me before lifting the drink.

"You leave coke bottles around all the time, I kind of figured you'd drink it." I say before sipping my water. The table falls silent for a moment, before Jayden speaks.

"If you don't move, I'm going to kill you in this damn diner." He snaps as Luke moves closer to him. "Jayden, dont say stuff like that!" I slap his hand across the table. "I'd listen to your... sister." I tense up. How did he know? I look at Dante and he glances at me.

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