Chapter 38- Details

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"You did what?!" Queen gasp as I tell her and Zoe about last night... I didn't go into details... but they pretty much figured it out for themselves.  I invited them over to watch a few movie and just hang out.

My schedule with practice, class, games, has been hectic. So it was good to sit down and relax with them. 

"So you guys fucked! I knew it!" She continues. "We did not fuck queen." "Wait. So the date was with Dante?" Zoe questions and I nod. "Oh my gosh I knew it. Asshole my foot- you like him!" I do. "I know." I admit  honestly as Zoe and Queen exchange a look. "What?" They both stare at me before grinning.

"Totally called it." Queen says high-fiving Zoe. "We already knew you liked him, we were even going to bet on how long it took you to tell us." "What?" "The hickeys were the cherry on top Z, we knew." I mentally groan as the door opens revealing Dante, Ryan, and Jayden. No Luca?

"Well hello ladies." Jayden comes in winking at Queen. "Save it pretty boy." She quickly shuts him down. "You're hurting my heart here." He dramatically holds his chest before coming up beside me. "Hey ZZ." He smooshes my poof ball down. "Hands off." I warn.

"Hello, we are here too." Ryan speaks motioning  between him and Dante. Dante's eyes meet mine before I quickly look away. "Hi Ryan, and asshole." Queen greets them and I can't help but laugh.

"Are you guys hungry? I'd kill for some pizza right now." Jayden stretches before plopping down on the couch. "I am." Queen quickly answers. "Pizza is cool."I answer. The room falls into calm conversation as I take occasional glances at Dante.

. . .

A knock on the door interrupts us. "Must be the pizza." Jayden hops up to open the door. "What the fuck are you doing here." I peek around the corner only to see  Carter standing at the door. "Zaria." "Carter? What are you doing here?" I glance at Jayden who is blocking him from entering.

"Can I talk to you? It'll be short." "Sure-" "No." me and Jayden speak at the same time. I cross my arms giving him a look. "Excuse me Jayden. I'll be back." I step out the door closing it behind me. "Hey Carter, is something wrong about the project?"

Thats the only reason I can think of for him to be here.

"No. It's uh- not about that." "Oh, well?" I push. "I was wondering if you'd consider going on a date with me? Just one. If there's nothing between us... I'll let it go. And I'll be fine with being friends." No.

"Carter I-" "uh, delivery?"  The pizza delivery man walks up as I go to answer Carter. He sighs slightly.

I open the door. "Jayden, the pizza is here-" I notice Jayden quickly shifting away from the door. "You nosy little rat." I point my finger at him before turning back to Carter. "You can come in- I'm sure there's enough pizza." I give him a light smile as Jayden pays for the pizza.

"Hey Carter." Zoe greets him as he comes in sitting down on the floor next to her. "Why is he here?" Dante grumbles. "I invited him in, it won't kill you to be nice for a second." I shoot him a look. "Pizza?" I offer him a piece and he gladly takes it.

We all sit around eating pizza and watching tv. Jayden and Ryan have their daily argument about nonsense, and if looks could kill Carter would be dead and buried.

Carter shifted closer to me while we were eating and I felt Dante's eyes on us. I glance at him and he's glaring at Carter. I try to shake it off changing the subject.

"It's getting late, I should get back, I have to work in the morning." Zoe stands and Queen stands as well. "I should head back too, I have class in the morning.  "I'll walk with you two , it's dark." Jayden offers.

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