Chapter- 28 Drunk.

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"Alright ladies hit the showers! Good work this morning. Remember, we have practice this afternoon from 6-7 if you don't have late classes. Be here, and be ready to work!" Coach blows the whistle one final time.

Thank god practice is over, I've never been so sore in my life. As I make my way to the shower, I hear Natasha calling my name. "What do you want now?" I turn to her. "Rude much. I just want to know about that roommate of yours, he hasn't called me yet."

"And that's my problem how? I have nothing to do with that." I shrug. "I mean after the good time we had a few days ago I thought he'd atleast call me." She adds on and I could almost throw up.

I take a deep breath before responding. "Again, not my business." I turn away from her once again. "How's your brother? Jayden." I freeze. How did she know. I hear her laugh as she stands beside me. "Can't wait to tell mom and dad about that. I'm sure they'll be happy."

My adoptive parents always told me I never had a sibling. A family. That I would be alone. Finding Jayden- gave me hope. He's my brother. Family. And nobody can take that away from me.

"Good. I'm sure they will. Because you know what? Sooner or later I'll meet my real parents." I try not to give her a reaction. Thats what she wants. "Whatever, just tell your roommate to text me, mk?" She smiles and I give her a tight lipped trying not to strangle her right here in this locker room.

                            . . .

"So she knows?" Queen  questions taking a bite of her pasta. "Indeed she does." I take a sip of my smoothie. After practice, my first few classes went by pretty quickly. "So, how do you feel?" Zoe questions.

"Fine I guess? I mean, she can't do much. I hope." I also caught them up on the whole... kiss situation- and as expected, their responses were a bunch of I told you so's, and it was only a matter of time. I decided to leave out the other part of what Natasha said. There's no way.

"So, next step is fucking." Queen blurts out causing me to choke a little. "Excuse me?" "Girl, you guys already kissed, fucking Is like the next step if you ask me." "No it is not! A date it!" Zoe counters. "Dates are for people in their 50s I  say fuck him." Queen says with a shrug.

"I don't plan to fuck him, or kiss him any time soon." "Ha! You didn't say you wouldn't do it again though!" Queen jumps up from her seat like a 5 year old causing people around us to glance over at her. "Will you sit down!" I pull her back down into her seat.

"Sorry, got carried away." Me and Zoe can't help but laugh. We finish eating as before heading to our next classes. Zoe goes off to find her boyfriend, and Queen decides to cut her day short and head to the dorm. My next class is the one I share with Carter.

As I walk in, I notice the classroom is emptier than usual. "Professor is sick." I turn to see Dante standing at the door. "Oh." I glance at him briefly before attempting to walk out the door. He shifts his body, trapping me inside the classroom.

"Will you move?" I snap. "Woah, easy. What did I do to you?" "Nothing. Move, Dante." I try to push past him but he catches my arm. "Fix the attitude & and maybe I'll move. "Get out the fucking way!" I shout snatching my arm from his grip.

Before I know it, his hand finds my throat as he backs me  into the professors desk kicking the door closed. "Raise your voice at me again, I fucking dare you." He speaks in a low, raspy voice. "Let me go or I swear I'll-" "what? What will you do, Ria." He brings my face closer to his.

"Maybe you didn't quite comprehend what I told you the other day." He lightly squeezes my neck and I choke back a moan. This shouldn't be turning me on.

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