Chapter 19- secrets revealed

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"Do you want another drink?!" Queen shouts over the music as we dance in sync to the music playing. "No thanks! I have to drive home!" I respond as she nods and makes her way to the bar.

I spot a seat open against the wall, and begin making my way over to it. Ok, heels weren't the smartest move. I quickly reach the seat and sit down.

"Zaria! Hey." A voice says approaching me. I turn to see Carter... and Luke. Making their way towards me. "You remember Luke right? I forgot to tell you he was coming with me today." Carter explains

"Oh." I mumble as I begin looking for Queen. "How about that drink now beautiful?" Luke speaks. "You've already seen each other?" Carter questions. I look at Luke with a bored expression as I answer.

"Yes, unfortunately. "Indeed we have, now how about you answer my question?" Luke speaks once again.

I shift my gaze between him and Carter before answering "no thanks, I'm just waiting for a friend." I give him a fake smile before pulling out my phone and texting Queen.

Me- please hurry up, I think it's time to go.

Queen- okgay gyul imcuming.

Great. She's drunk. I slip my phone back in my pocket and stand. "Well this was fun, but I need to find someone so excuse me." I attempt to slip between the two but Luke grabs my arm. "Just one drink can't hurt right? Cmon.

"No thank you. Now let go." I attempt tug my arm out of his grip. What is with people grabbing me tonight.

"Let go-" "I suggest you listen to her." An unfamiliar voice speaks. Luke lets my arm go and I peak around him to see.. Luca? So he does speak. "Ah, Luca! My favorite mute." Luke chuckles.

"Leave." Is all Luca says. His face showing no emotion. "We plan to hang for a bit man, don't be so stuck up." Carter speaks while patting Luca's shoulder. Luca catches Carter's hand and throws it off.

"Don't touch me. Now leave. I don't care if you don't leave the club but you will leave this area." He takes a step towards Luke. " And you, will not grab her or anyone else like that again." He warns.

We stand in silence for a moment as I still search for Queen.

Carter scoffs, breaking the silence."Let's just go Luke, he's not even-" Luke raises his hand, and Carter instantly goes quiet. "Listen Luca, Dagger needs my business. So I suggest you go on & mind your business. We'll leave, because we have better shit to do. Let's go."

And with that, Carter & Luke head to the dance floor. Leaving me stuck like a deer in headlights beside Luca.

I turn to him, "Thank you-" "I didn't do it for you, so don't thank me. Just find your friends and get out of here." He says coldly before walking off. Ok, that was rude.

"Zariaaaa hey girllll" I hear as I look to my left to see Queen stumbling towards me. Not again. "Queen, I thought you said you wouldn't drink too much." I groan. "I didddntttt just a little sip hereeee a little sip there-" she says as she drops on the floor.

You've got to be kidding me.

"Queen get up... I can't do this today." I have on a mini skirt and all, I can't be bending over.

"Queen!" I attempt again. All she does is groan, and slowly get up. "Z I had the weirdest dream." I can't help but laugh at her. "Come on Queen, let's get you home.

I throw Queen's arm over my shoulder, and pick up her purse. And make my way out the club.

As I reach my car, I put Queen in the passenger seat, and head to the driver side. Before I can fully open the door, someone pushes it shut, I reach for my pepper spray but before I can fully get it out, it's snatched away.

"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you princess." The voice speaks. Dante. "You asshole! You scared the shit out of me!" I turn to face him. "It's not my fault you don't pay attention to your surroundings." He shrugs.

I snatch my pepper spray out of his hand and sin eat him. "Don't make me use this." I threaten. "Now what do you want?" I question.

"esta chica está loca."He mutters as he raises his hands in surrender taking a step back. "I saw you leaving, and I wanted to make sure you got to your car... because Luke is still around here and I don't trust him."

Translation- this girl so crazy.

I put my spray back in my purse. "Thank you.. I appreciate it. And uh, I'm here now & I need to get my friend to her dorm." I open my car door as Dante takes another step back, putting his hands in his pocket.

"Get back safe." He says. I give him a questionable look. He clears his throat "or you know Jayden, he will be worried." "Right.." I say as I get in, and close the door.

"He's hot, you should totally fuck him." Queen blurts out, luckily after I shut the door. "No thanks."

And with that, we are heading to the dorms.


"Where did you dip off to?" I question as Luca returns to the office looking pissed. "I went to get a drink." Is all he says. I nod in response. He doesn't drink. "SUP BITCHES." Ryan comes bursting through the office door.

"And you wonder why you weren't invited to the meeting." Luca mutters. "Hey! That's rude. I'm the main character of this group and you know it." Ryan snaps back.

I scoff, "you wish." Ryan has always been the dramatic one out of the group. Since middle school. "Oh whatever, I'm going to find me some human companionship for the night.... If you know what I mean . " he winks & turns on his heels and heads back out the office.

The office falls silent for a moment, before Luca speaks. "Jayden, the results came in." I freeze. "I didn't tell you before the meeting because I didn't want your head all over the place." He continues as he hands me an envelope.

I stand. "I can't open this alone." I mutter. I look up at Luca before I speak. "I need to-" " Go Jay, I'll let Dante know." He says waving me off. "Thank you Luca. For everything." I grab my keys and head out the club.


I've made it out the club & I see Dante outside the door. "Going somewhere?" He ask. "Did Zaria say she was heading to the dorm?" I question. "Not sure, she had that drunken friend of hers in the car." He shrugs.

"Whats in the envelope?" His eyes shift to my hands. "Nothing. It's nothing. I gotta go, I'll catch up with you." I say as I continue to head to my car. I need to get to that dorm.

~~~~~~~~20 minutes later~~~~~~~~

I've been standing infront of ZZ's dorm room for 3 minutes. I can't bring myself to knock on the door. "Just do it.just do it." I say to myself over and over again. And finally, I knock.

There's a moment of silence, before I hear a thud. "Ow! Son of a bitch. Coming!" I hear from the other side of the door. Moments later, ZZ opens the door.

"Jayden? I don't think Dante is here yet if you're looking for him-" "I'm looking for you actually." I hold up the envelope.

"We uh.. we need to talk."

Sorry for the slow updates yall 😭😭 it's finals time and ya girl has 2 exams to take so wish me luck!

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