Chapter 24-Princess

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Dante's pov

Once Zaria is out of the car, I glance and still see the same car that has been following us since we left the diner. I took a few unnecessary turns to confirm. Someone is going to die tonight.

I quickly make a sharp turn down an alley way and get my gun out my glovebox as I get out the car. The car following turns into the alleyway shortly after. A masked man exits the car and takes a few steps toward me.

"Who are you?" I mutter as I click the safety off my gun. "Where's the girl?" He ask taking a knife out his pocket. "I won't ask again, who are you?"the masked man doesn't answer. Instead, he lunges at me with the knife. I swiftly dodge, and shoot him in the leg.

He falls to the floor screaming in pain. pequeña perra. "The next one will be in your fucking skull. Talk." "I won't say shit." I chuckle before placing my gun to his head. "Last chance." He doesn't say anything.

Instead, he stands and slashes me with his knife before attempting to limp back to his car. Before he can get far, I shoot him once again in his back.

He drops to the floor as I walk and stand over him. "H-h-he will get her." He coughs out before I shoot him once more in the head. I take my phone & call of my men. "Yes boss?" "I've sent you my location. Get here and clean this shit up. Make it quick." I hang up before he can respond.

I lightly wince as I inspect the cut on my face. "Motherfucker actually cut me." I chuckle as I walk back to my car. Once in, I call Jayden.

"What's up D? You good?" "I'm fine. Where is Zaria?" "She's in the shower... why'd I have to babysit again?" He questions. "I'll fill you in later. You can go back to  your dorm. I'll be there in a minute." I end the call



As I'm sitting on the couch watching strawberry shortcake, don't judge me. The dorm door opens. & in walks Dante. It's not until he turns his head that I see his face is full of blood.

"Oh my gosh! What happened?!" I jump up from the couch and stand on my tippy toes as I tilt his head to the side.

He grabs my wrist and holds it "nothing. Move." He grumbles as he goes into the bathroom. I follow behind him & watch as he rinses his face with water. "What are you doing?! That is  not how you clean a wound." "And how would you know?" I don't respond as I push him from infront of the sink and open the cabinet to get my first aid kit.

"Sit." I point to the toilet. "I can do it myself-" "sit down Dante. Just let me help you." He huffs before sitting down. I quickly wash my hands, before putting some hydrogen peroxide on a q-tip

"This might sting... I'm sorry." I wipe the edges of the wound with the q-tip and he tenses up, but doesn't move. Once i finish wiping around the wound. I grab a piece a paper towel and lightly wipe the blood off. I can feel his eyes on me but I try my best to ignore him.

Once the blood is gone, I reach over to the sink and grab my princess bandaids. "You'll need two. Pick a princess." I hold the bandaids up. "I will not have that shit on my face. "Ok, Tiana and Jasmine it is."

I peel the bandaids out the paper and go to put it on. "This is an awkward angle it's kind of hard to put them on." I tilt his head slightly.

Suddenly, I feel his hands wrap around my waist and pull me on top of him. Leaving me straddling him. "Better?" He ask turning his head back to me leaving our lips inches apart. "Y-yeah." I  quickly place the bandaids on his cut.

"All done." I say before attempting to get off of him, but his arms are still wrapped around my waist. "You can let go now-" he doesn't say a word, he just stares at me. "Dante?" I try again.

He brings his hand up to my face, and pushes my braids over my shoulder. "qué me estás haciendo? He whispers something  in Spanish.

"If you don't like the bandaids I have plain ones-" "thank you Zaria. I appreciate it." Is all he says as he lets me go, stands, and leaves the bathroom. Weird.

Translation-what are you doing to me?



I decided to get up early to get some training, & a few other things done. I texted a few of my men to meet me at the warehouse. It's time to get my next fight set up. I've been slacking, and clearly people think this is the time to test me.

Once at the warehouse, I notice my father's car parked out front. Fucking great. I enter the warehouse, and see Luke is also with my father. That bitch probably snitched already.

"Dante, my son." "Hi. Why are you here?" I try to hide the annoyance in my tone. "Must I remind you that you aren't the boss yet boy?" I smirk at his response, "must I remind you that this is my warehouse? I'm the boss around here."

"That's my boy!" My dad says patting my shoulder. "Do you have.. princesses on your cheek?" I look to see Ryan & Jayden snickering as they approach me and my father.

"Shut the fuck up." I snap & they continue to laugh. "Ah, finally you are here." Luke chimes in from behind my father.

"Why is he here?" I question pointing at Him. "We have much to discuss. Including your next fight, and the other terms to your deal. He begins walking towards the meeting room, and we follow.

~ a little while later.~ (aka I don't feel like writing the meeting)

"Bullshit!" I shout after reading over the other terms of taking over. "I won't rush marriage, this is fucking insane!" "You watch your tone. I am still your father." He barks out causing me to sit back down in my seat.

"I don't think it's that big of a deal. A wife is just a position." My father argues. "My wife will not be just a fucking position. She will be my equal. A woman I fucking love. And you can't expect me to rush that just to take over." I snap.

"Then so be it! Luke will take over both empires then. Is that what you want?" I look at Luke who's smirking and back to my father. "I'll kill him before I let that happen and you know it. I'll think about the stupid contract." I slide the piece of paper back to him as I stand.

"I have shit to do. I trust you both can find your way out my wareshouse considering you found your way in." With that, I walk out the office and to the training area.

"Say mercy punk!" I look in the ring to see Jayden has Ryan in a head lock. "Never!" Ryan shouts. "You fucking lunatic! Did you just fucking bite me?!" Jayden shoves Ryan away.

"Yes I did." Ryan says proudly. "You two idiots stop playing around and actually train. Luca, let's go. You're with me." "Yes boss."  We make our way to the ring, and begin sparing.


ummmmm.... Yall got the last chapter to 8 votes in like... a few hours WHAT?! THANK U!!!!

Ok so.... I'm upping the number 5 is too easy for yall... no 10 votes = no update. Get to voting xxx. 🩵




Love u pookie

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