Chapter 3: First Victim

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Ice Cube POV:

I opened my eyes up slowly, my heart pounding fast. I looked around and didn't know where I was, it looked like I was above in the sky, but everything was covered in white. There weren't any objects either, it was just me, in this empty white void.

"Hello!! Anyone there!?"

My voice echoed off the walls but there was no answer. I turned around and stared behind me, the only thing I could see was a bright yellow blob in the distance, it was tall and wide and there was nothing else around it.

'Maybe that's someone?'

I jogged over to the mysterious figure, but it turned out to just be a giant golden gate, with words on the top. I couldn't read it though, I was too short, I couldn't even read it if I moved further away. It was like it was getting bigger the harder I tried. I tried pulling and pushing the door open, but it wouldn't budge, so I did the only thing I could, run into it. I took a large step back and ran myself into the large gate, and surprisingly, it actually worked. When I got in, I saw multiple portals everywhere, all of them had different colours and also had floating words above them. I walked to one portal that said 'Objectville River.'

'Woah! This was where I was before!'

Without thinking I stepped into the portal, I was teleported to the river and realised I was flying.

"Woah! Wings and a halo? That's weird.. but cool at the same time! But why do I have these anyway? Aren't they for people who di-"

My eyes filled with horror as I stared down at the floor. I saw shattered ice and the one and only Bracelety standing next to it, with a giant sledgehammer in her hands. She looked at the body and then her own hands.

"Why did I listen to them.."

Bracelety was surprisingly scared as much as I was, her hands were shaking so much she nearly dropped her sledgehammer into the river, twice. She continued to sit there for a few minutes, until she heard a voice.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Bracelety ran away as fast as possible into the forest, I've never seen her be that scared before. I watched her run until she did something strange.. she turned into what looked like a perfect replica of me, square, clear and a lilac bow.

"Bracelety! H-hey! Huh?"

I spun around and saw Gaty sitting near my shattered body, she started into the forest a little bit longer, stunned by what just happened and what she is seeing.

"Some sort of fan, hm? Anyway I should report this to the police station, but first I'll tell Saw so she can come with me."

Gaty POV:

I walked inside my house that I lived in with Saw, it had a metallic pink colour covered in the roof and the rest was painted grey. I opened the door and called out to Saw.

"Saw!! Where are you!?"

I stood in silence as a waited for an answer, but she didn't answer. I ignored the fact she didn't answer and headed out to the garden outside, where I expected she'd be.

"Saw, there you are. What flowers are you planting this time?"
"Just some tulips, we ran out of the ones with the blue stems, do you know what they're called?"
"Uhh.. now that I think of it, I don't think Lollipop ever told us the name."

We buy most of our flowers from Lollipop, she sells a bunch of stuff, she owns a store now.

"Anyway Gaty, what did you come here for?"
"Ice Cube.. died. Can you come to the police station with me?"
"O-oh. Yeah of course."
"No problem."


We walked into the police station and headed up to the magnifying glass waiting at the counter.

"We have shattered pieces of Ice Cube, found at the river down the road."
"Alright, I'll take those, did you see any suspects?"

Saw turned her head to face me, but my answer wasn't quite clear. I decided to not tell him because I wasn't actually that sure. I kept quiet and shook my head.

"Did you see any weapons nearby?"
"I saw them run away with the weapon, but I do know what it was, it was a sledgehammer."

Saw quickly replied to me after I finished my sentence.

"You saw them run away?"
"She's right, if you saw them run away, why don't you know who they were?"

Sweat started to gather on my head, I didn't know what to say.

"They ran into the forest, I couldn't see them!"
"Mhm.. you can go now, we'll investigate soon."

Saw started to walk off but I couldn't keep this secret in any longer.

"I have another thing that might help.."

The Magnifying Glass's eyes looked up at me, expecting me to already be leaving.

"And what is that?"
"As they were running into the forest, they were originally Bracelety, but.. I saw them.. what's the right word.. shapeshift?

I saw his eyes turn confused, trying to figure out if I was joking or not.

"It's true! I saw them just straight up change forms from Bracelety into a perfect replica of Ice Cube! The bow and everything! She even lost her arms during her transformation."
"Alright, we have enough evidence, you can leave now."

I then turned around to go outside where Saw was already waiting.

"Wanna maybe go to Gelatin's Steakhouse? I haven't eaten since you left, have you?"
"No, I am pretty hungry, yeah let's go!"

Sorry this one took so long I didn't want to work on it
I was gonna put it on hiatus but probably not

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