Chapter 18: Risky Missions

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162431 POV:

"Your mission was already over, you shouldn't be causing any more trouble after it's already complete."
"It's not my fault!"
"Don't act like you didn't try to tell that photo frame."

They scolded, writing on their clipboard as they spoke.

"Not that! Needle."
"Is she really a threat to you?"

They rolled their eyes, disappointed at my pointless fears.

"Yes, Needle. She nearly caught me.."
"Of course she did, you aren't even close to stealthy. Did those tests we gave you not enough?"

They slightly raised their voice and became more angered, slamming their hand on the wall. I turned my back, crossing my arms.

"Quit the attitude, that won't get you far."

They ordered, angrily closing their pen and exiting the room. I was so done with their nonstop orders, if I continued it'd probably drive me insane. I have to escape, I just have to. I scanned the room, quickly my eyes landed on a vent on the ceiling. Perfect! Just, how do I reach it. I thought for a minute, and the realisation came to me.

"I'm an idiot.."

I whispered. I shapeshifted into Puffball and flew up to the vent. Upon closer inspection, it turned out it was just a grey trapdoor with no handle whatsoever. I sighed and rolled my eyes at this, of course it wouldn't be that simple. I shapeshifted into Lightning instead and tried to pull off the trapdoor, but I just wouldn't budge! I sat confused, how could I manage to open this? An idea popped into my head, but it was risky.. it was the only way I could think of, so I did. I repeatedly slammed myself into the trapdoor, but the only thing I got was a headache and a bruise. I flew back down, turning back into my original form. I rubbed my hand against the bruise, it wasn't too bad, but it did feel uncomfortable. I sat on the floor, feeling like I was going to drift off very soon. I shut my eyes, allowing myself to relax. I lied there for a little bit, until something fell on top of me. I yelped and scurried to a corner. I looked at what sat in the middle, it was the trapdoor. But how? I pushed my questions away and quickly flew up to the vent. As I entered the vent I turned back into my original form. I looked around, there were 2 different paths I could follow. I decided to go right, it's not like it mattered because I'm pretty sure this vent doesn't have anything dangerous inside of it. I crawled over to the centre where both of the paths split. I was about to crawl through it but I accidentally hit my elbow against the metal wall. I flinched, I hope no one heard that. I sped up my mission, not wasting a second on deciding which way to go. I tried to keep quiet, but it was hard to do so. Every movement I made caused a quiet or loud sound. I continued to crawl through the vents, but it wouldn't seem to end. How big is this building? I explored the vent a little longer, my energy quickly draining during this. I eventually made it to an area where I could hear someone talking, I stopped my journey, carefully listening to the conversation going on below me.

"X needs to learn how to be better at his job, honestly. They can barely do it right."

I rolled my eyes, I don't have time for their nonsense. I resumed my adventure, still feeling my energy drifting away. I don't even know how, but I made it back to my starting point. I sighed with disappointment and anger, escaping was going to be harder than I thought. I jumped down, immediately regretting it after forgetting how high the vent was. My ankles burned with pain, but I tried my best to ignore it as I panicked while I tried to figure out how to block off that giant hole in the wall. I tried to place it back on, but it fell off the moment I released it. The vent was able to fit perfectly into the hole, meaning I wouldn't be able to make it so it was above the hole. But even if that was an option, I don't think it'd be a good one, it'd make it too obvious that I was in there. Tears started to form at the corner of my eyes as I thought about what sick punishments I would be given. I curled up into a ball, trembling with fear. I couldn't do anything, I might as well accept my fate.

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