Chapter 12: Locked Away

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Narrator POV:

"B-but I wouldn't do that to Icy!!"

Bracelety cried out as the officers shoved her into her cell, Foldy following close behind. The two were roughly put into the cell, it could barely fit them both. There was a bunk bed in the corner of the room, it looked as if it didn't even have a sheet as it was so thin you could barely see it. There was a small sink attached to the wall with a toilet placed next to it. Everything looked old and rusty, uncared for. Bracelety sat in the corner with layers of spiderwebs and bugs. She cried and sniffed every now and then, she didn't deserve this. Foldy sat on the bottom bunk, the top of her head barely avoiding the bed above her. She couldn't really feel anything right now, she felt no tears go down her face, she just silently stared at the grey floor.

"Wh-wh-why was it m-me."
"I could ask you the same question.."

It wasn't an insult, it was just Foldy wondering the same thoughts as the blue bravely sobbing on the floor. But even if it wasn't, it still made Bracelety cry more. Her cries grew louder and a puddle below her started to form. Foldy didn't know what to do, she just decided that it would be best if she let Bracelety cry right now. The two weren't close, in fact they have probably said one sentence to each other in their whole lives. They didn't have anything in common either, and they lived on opposite sides of town. There wasn't anything to talk about. Time passed and Bracelety started to quiet down, Foldy lied on the bed and stared at the wall, she felt sleepy but didn't want to, something was forcing her to stay awake. Random thoughts? The weird feeling in the cell? Bracelety's cries for help? It was one of them. Bracelety stopped crying, she still occasionally sniffled and gasped for air but that was it. Why did the presence of each other being there feel.. comforting? What would they do if they weren't there? What if it was someone else? These thoughts swirled around in both of their minds. Time is going to go by a lot slower now.. goodbye old lives, hello rotting jail cell.

Gaty POV:

"Woah! Awesome Gaty! Are you sure you're not an expert at baking?"
"Of course not! You're way better."

I chuckled, she was so sweet and optimistic. Her beautiful pink eyes add a beautiful glow to her and her soul was full of happiness and love.

"Why don't we give this to someone?"
"Hmm.. oh! Lollipop!"
"Lollipop? Where does she even live?"
"I know, I went over to her house one time."
"Okay, let's go then!"

We took the baked goods which were in a little basket now. We didn't bake too much, just cookies to help me learn more. I opened the door for Saw as she walked to the outside world while holding both handles of the basket.

"Does she live close? If not I can get us a ride."
"It's only 10 minutes, not too bad, right?"
"What about that basket of yours?"

She looked down at the basket containing the fresh cookies, what were we gonna do with it?

"I'll carry it!"

She announced, happily smiled while speaking.

"Hold that while we walk? Are you gonna be okay?"
"Sure I will silly! Don't worry about me."

She waved her hand up and down and began to walk down the path. I reluctantly followed her, will she be okay? I hope so. We turned corner after corner, path after path. Saw seemed pretty happy, she wasn't complaining at all and skipped down the concrete floors. Nothing happened much, just some close calls with the cookies nearly falling out of the basket.

"Hey Gaty, look!"

I looked over her shoulder and saw what she was talking about. A beautiful pink and yellow butterfly landed on the handles of the basket. Its wings fluttered slowly as it landed, it was so pretty, it was almost as if its wings shimmered underneath the glorious afternoon sun.

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