Chapter 10: Safe Together In The Clouds

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Narrator POV:

Ice Cube and Firey Jr. were fast asleep, with their winds curled up beside them and their halos slightly floating above both of their heads. It was quiet, as you'd expect. The only noise were the quiet sleeping breaths of Ice Cube and Firey Jr. as they lied down on the surprisingly soft and comfy floor. Heaven didn't have morning, noon, night and whatever else. It was just.. white. It was so infinite yet so small, everywhere you end up would feel just like where you started. But luckily, the golden gates to the portal rooms acted like a checkpoint. It was where the objects spawned, and most likely where they'd stay. There's not much to see up in the clouds, why bother? Firey Jr. was fast asleep, until something unfamiliar woke him up from his slumber. He yelped as a white light blinded his eyes, it was.. glowing? He moved towards the mysterious light, and then instantly jumped back. The light was cold, really cold, even colder than Ice Cube. Ice Cube woke up with a frightened expression pasted across her face.

"Firey Jr.! Wh-what's happening?!"
"I dont know!"

Firey Jr scrambled away from the light, and moved closer towards Ice Cube. Ice a cube wrapped her leg protectively around the little boy curling up in fear beside her and pulled him close. The light died down quickly and Firey Jr. looked back up. It was.. a little boy, Rocky to be exact.

"Not another child, this murderer is a cruel object.."

Ice Cube muttered under her breath.


Firey Jr. moved away from Ice Cube and went to the grey rock. Rocky sat there, a faint scar was visible going down his forehead.

"Is that why it took so long? For him to get here? Poor boy.."

Ice Cube didn't notice that she spoke a little louder, loud enough for Firey Jr. to hear her.


The three of them stood in silence, Firey Jr. occasionally speaking Rocky's name to get his attention. Rocky stared up at Firey Jr. when he heard his name, but eventually look up at the sky or the never-ending wall. Firey Jr. gently touch his soft wings, and his wings fluttered when he did.

"Ice Cube?"
"Why did Rocky glow? Did I? Did you?"
"You didn't glow, it was a short glow. It only lasted for a few seconds."
"I.. I think it's because, you died quickly, so did I. But Rocky.."

I stared over at Rocky, he continued to sit still. Occasionally moving one of his legs.

"Rocky died.. a-a slow death.."
"How do you know?"
"Just look at him.. see that scar? That was a knife.."
"A-a knife?"
"Yes, Firey Jr., it's not uncommon. To be fair most of the objects will probably die to a knife."
"Can we do anything?"

A sense of worry grew in his voice, he didn't want this to happen, nobody did.

"The best we can do is.. see who the killer is, and hope we get revived. But at this point, I don't think it'll happen."

Ice Cube stood up from her spot and walked over to Rocky.


He stared up at the blue and translucent cube. He didn't say a word, he didn't even hum. He just blankly looked at her.

"You're okay here, it's safe here."

He looked back down at the ground, looking like he was going to cry a little bit. But instead he just let out a quiet hum, it was low and seemed as if it said 'is it though?'

"See these? The-these will protect you."

Ice Cube was trying her best to comfort the little boy, he was just a child after all. Only a little younger than Firey Jr., who was standing back and letting Ice Cube try to help Rocky. Rocky looked back up at Ice Cube and gave another low hum. This time it was longer and slightly higher, it sounded like it was a message from Rocky telling them that he felt safe again.


Firey Jr. seemed like he had just gotten an idea, like a lightbulb appearing above his orange glowing head. He spawned something, it blinked white for a second and then dropped in the palm of his hand. It was a plushie, specifically a Firey Jr. plushie. Rocky's eyes looked up at what Firey Jr. had somehow spawned out of his hand, he wasn't sure how he did it!


Firey Jr. handed the plushie to the little boy, who still continued to sit on the floor. Rocky wasn't showing much emotion, but when he grabbed the orange toy a small smile grew on his face. Ice Cube watched as this beautiful moment happened, she was so happy Rocky felt safe again. And Firey Jr. was helping him overcome his newfound fear. Ice Cube, Firey Jr. and Rocky didn't know this at the moment. But there was so much more to come than just the three of them.


Rocky lay asleep peacefully with his plushie by his side. Ice Cube and Firey Jr. had gone to watch the kids play on the playground again in the evening sun.


Rocky woke up, he got woken by somebody, but who?

"You can speak, I'm in your mind."
"You're in my mind?"
"Why are you here?"
"I'm here to check up on you every now and then! As well as to keep you entertained sometimes if you need it."
"Who are you?"
"Hmm.. call me Orb!"
"Orb.. okay. Are you only in my mind?"
"No not at all! Sometimes I also go to Firey Jr. since he's also a kid. I would go to Ice Cube, but I think she can handle herself well enough. I might check on her sometimes without her knowing though."
"Well, thanks for being here."
"No problem buddy! If you don't feel comfortable talking to anyone else, feel free to give me a call."
"How do I do that?"
"Just say Orb 5 times, I'll make sure to be there!"
"Okay, one more question."
"How did you end up here?"
"I can't tell you that right now little buddy, but I'll tell you another time."
"Oh, okay then."
"Cya Rocky."

Also btw if this wasn't obvious I dont ship any of the characters together, they've just bonded well

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