Chapter 5: Extinguished

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Narrator POV:

Gaty, Saw and Cake had just finished eating their food, and exited the restaurant. All 3 of them were saying goodbye before parting ways.

"Cya later Cake!"
Saw waved as he started to walk off.
He turned back around and then continued to leave.

Gaty and Saw stood there, unsure of what to do next, until Gaty spoke up.

"Do you wanna go to the police station and check up on if they found anything?"
"Sure, we haven't gone there in a little bit anyway."

Gaty led the way, and Saw followed close behind. And after a few minutes of walking, they made it to the front door of the police station.

"Do you wanna wait out here?"
Gaty questioned, as she was about to step foot into the station.
"Okay! Be quick though."

Gaty nodded at the order and proceeded to the front counter. Instead of a magnifying glass being there, it was a pair of glasses, one typing and clicking on the computer and one waiting at the counter, looking a little bored.

Gaty asked a few feet away from the counter.
"Hello! What do you need?"
The glasses sitting at the counter questioned.
"I was just here to check on the Ice Cube investigation, has anything been found?"
Their face immediately turned into a small frown.
"We haven't really been able to find anything about the case, it's pretty tough for our team to figure out, harder than any case we've ever done!"
They said, waving their arms around slightly.
"Oh.. well that's okay, I'll check another day."

Gaty spun around and headed back outside to where Saw was waiting, while she was on her phone texting some of her other friends. But before Gaty could make it halfway to the door, someone bumped into her.

"Oh sorry Gaty!"
The unfamiliar voice apologised.
"Ugh.. oh, hey Needle, long time no see."

Needle POV:

"Same here! Need some help?"
I asked as I could see Gaty struggling slightly to stand up.
"Yeah, thanks."
I held my hand out for Gaty to help her out and she grabbed it reluctantly, as I could tell she was still processing what had just happened.

She stood up and thanked me again, as she walked to the exit. I waved at her silently and headed up to the police counter.

They welcomed.
"Hi. I have a crime to report?"
"Of course, what is it?"
"I saw Firey Jr. get pushed into a river."
"Sigh, 3rd one this week. Alright, type that in."
They ordered their partner to type in the new-found information into the large computer. There was a little bit of silence, the only noise heard was the clicking of a keyboard.

"Any suspects? Also what was the location of the river, what time would you say this happened?"
"Uhm.. no suspects, all I saw was this black blur run away the moment we saw the crime. I was walking at the Sinking River I'm pretty sure, I was near the playground. And I think this happened maybe at 6:45?"
They murmured to themself, as they peered over to the computer. I also stared at the computer, as it was in my view. It had a lot of information, almost too much for me to read.


Crime Report

Victim: Firey Jr.
Suspect: Unknown
Date: 2/10/2028
Time of death: 6:45pm
Location: Sinking River


"I think that'll be all of the information we need for now, before you go, could you tell us how this all happened?"
"Sure, it's all kind of a blur, I'll try to do my best to summarise it."

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