Second Time the Charm, Same Number of Deaths

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Where our halfling and his enforced new group try to brave out to sea by way of another liquid: blood.

That very night the three went through the town, the only ones still awake were they and the guards on rounds. Siegfried was to lead them through the town in safety, and Tobias was to lead them out of town in safety, while Mica was to lead them to their goal in safety.

At least, that was the plan until Tobias suddenly hissed them all to a "Stop".

They all stopped.

Mica perked up a bit, he could hear it as well. It was a dull sound, coming through the maze of buildings that were built on the side of the pier town's shore since that was the safest way out of the town guard's eyes.

"Guards? I thought you said there weren't any here." Tobias glared back at the dead half-elf.

"I-" Siegfried began.

"Don't answer." Tobias commanded.

"-Eee" Siegfried stopped.

They all remained in place. Mica wandered for a moment. Ever since I left the forest I've been feeling more energetic. I barely need sleep, and when I wake up I don't feel sleep trying to pull me back in. I barely have to drink or eat, though... I wonder if that's a good or bad sign. If only I could see that piece of paper.

The masked halfling raised up his right hand. Tobias glared daggers at him but said nothing.

Mica started to concentrate. I can kind of guess where the source is. It's silent, so it's easier to pinpoint the sound. All I have to do is find the wind flow and redirect it. Here it is, moving it around the building, circular motion around the circular hut and...

"Why're we switching up patrols?" The voice came to all of them with such clarity.

Tobias tensed up all at once, but then as if realizing what happened, he looked down at Mica with a dangerous smirk.

Mica realized he was just helping the mage, but there was no way around it. He needed to test out these powers when he could. It's not like there were a lot of chances to test them without the robed asshole constantly glaring at me. Seeing and knowing everything I do (which is somewhat awkward when I go behind a tree to do the business). Who knows to what end he's taking me, and now the dead commander too.

"The new vice-captain said it was because the folks knew the old ones." Another voice, there were two.

"So?" The first, likely one out of a pair of guards, Mica assumed, asked.

"So? They might target the ration huts, he said." The second of the voices said back, lowered as they likely moved away from the source of the wind-pulling spell.

"Are we working against the people now? Siegfried would have never done that." The voices nearly faded.

"Siegfried's dead." The voices stopped.

Mica glanced up at the armoured corpse.

The armored corpse stared back.

"Are you alright?" The halfling whispered.

The undead nodded.

"I am dead." The dead agreed.

"Shut up. Let's move." Tobias, ever the noble leader, led them on.


"Do you think Dorum is still down there?" Hexpan glanced down at a flat layer of sand within the boat shed.

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