How I Stopped Worrying And Learned To Embrace Chaos

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Where we learn how our two agent's resolve helps them escape trouble as much as get into it.

There were a lot of people across the forest, some made camps, some wandered around and gave them strange looks, and the ones they saw just now were pointing cutlery at them.

The two agents were walking through the main road. Though right now they'd rather be known as - the noble, Master Lucian, and his servant, Conroy.

The forest's road was well maintained, a merchant's road for certain, dirt and lack of weeds indicated such.

Flanking it were tall, hard, woods that had trees of nearly identical size scattered rather close, with high branches going about six meters high, and shading both deeper into the forest and the sides of the road.

It wasn't so bad during the day, it gave the peasants all-around comfort now that their homes had been destroyed back in Break City, at least for the moment.

Except for one group of peasants that decided to block the road, and thus the noble and his servant.

"What are you doing?" Conroy said, knowing perfectly well that hunger probably stole their thoughts.

I am trying to be civil here. Conroy added in his mind, but decided not to add to the harrowed peasants.

"Give us all your food." The assailant demanded in a stressed, choking voice.

He was a lean, tall man. He definitely had strength in him, but it looked like stealing from people was something he hadn't tried before, and it was an uncomfortable reality for him.

The tall man pointed at the large backpacks Conroy seemed to be uncomfortably carrying (as Lucian definitely won't be).

"No, Master Lucian must pass through this forest without delay." Conroy said in a flat voice.

We don't have the time for this. Damn, I knew we should have gotten Liam a change of clothes earlier to get Lucian out of him, gaahh! Stupid! Nevermind this, we have something to do, and the last thing we need is get delayed by some hungry commoners. So what if your city was destroyed? There are problems all over Cera'Nur that are more important than that.

Conroy considered all of this and gave a side glance to look at Lucian: who was regally dressed, puffed, looking self important, too self important to comment on this matter aside from a-

"What is all this? Servant, do hurry this along." Came from the noble Lucian.

When a decline was given, more people rushed from the sides of the road.

The shaded forest, bushes and broad trees made it easy for more than a few once-peasants-now-bandits to make their stealthy appearance.

The previously anxious man looked more determined, as if he could no longer turn back from the tree he climbed on. He now had the back-wind to move in with the hungry herd for the kill.

Conroy counted around... seven. He took a step back and gave an obvious sigh. He raised his arms briefly up - then down. I hope they take that motion that I'm not looking to fight.

When the man in front was about to speak, another came instead: The man was smaller. He had blue farmer's clothes, and instead of cutlery he seemed to have a broken shovel.

He pointed at Lucian that stood by Conroy.

"Give us all your gold and jewelry, noble. You owe us." The smaller peasant-bandit in blue threateningly waved the broken field equipment.

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