Why you never go the Main Path

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Where our agents learn of the situation in the EverIce Alliance and try to find their way through it.

"Halt!" The guard shouted.

How many checkpoints does this place have, Conroy thought and gave out a grunt.

They came to a halt on the shore of what he hoped was the Zensuonian mainland. According to the map it was, at least.

Luckily for him and Liam, the strait wasn't that long of a venture, and you could see the fires from the lighthouse during the dead of night from far away.

So sailing by a small boat wasn't an impossibility even at night, it was just dangerous and annoying. He was happy they didn't have to find out how hard it was, however, as they arrived during twilight.

Now less happy, as a few guards were further approaching them.

"We are in a terrible hurry!" The priest next to Conroy got out of the small boat and approached the incoming guards.

The boat hasn't even stopped and Liam is already going at it, Conroy thought as he narrowed his eyes at the rushing priest persona of his partner.

"What?" The guard's mouth gaped open and his eyes narrowed, before glancing back at his two companions, one of whom shrugged.

The guard looked back to the cleric getting out his bag and trying to move past him.

The guard then side-stepped before the priestly man.

"No, no one's to come from Break City. You need to row back, now." The guard stated, agitation obvious in his voice.

"Y-you don't understand, we-we have to make our way over to Pileraf, we m-must! The head priest must hear of this di-disaster, this- this great shadow!" The cleric flailed his arms before Conroy placed a hand on his shoulder, and he calmed down, at least slightly.

The guard sighed.

"We can't allow you to move past. Men of the cloth are not given spe-" the guard started.

"Don't you believe in Terra?" The priest looked at them pleadingly.

"Yes... yes, we do." The guard seemed taken aback by that, but more in an annoyed manner than in an awed kind. As if he knew this kind of spiel already, and wasn't in the mood for it. The other two guards whispered between themselves, waiting behind. They were settling into the idea that this would take a while.

"Then you must know that she decrees obedience to the law and goodwill towards all who request help." The priestly line was said with the visual of intertwined palms.

An act which made the guard twist his lips and twist his hand to reach his sheathed sword.

"What are you on about? We are following the law, and we are good men." The guard did not seem to enjoy the idea of his faith or personage being challenged.

Conroy perked his brow. It was hard to tell if these acts of Liam would go anywhere, or if they would just play out into some kind of chaos. Or maybe go intentionally into chaos.

Usually, the one he was travelling with at the time had a plan, whoever Liam was, but sometimes it wouldn't work. The last couple of times were the less functional kind, and thus some violent action had to be, unfortunately, taken.

Conroy didn't mind much, but he was tired. He'd prefer not to have to waste more energy turning thoughts into potions. He was also a bit sore in the throat and it'd be a hard time gathering spit. Not to mention how itchy he was sitting in the boat all day.

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