Stop and Shop

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Where we find our two mercenaries stock up on equipment, and issues, for their long journey.

"So you want to tell me you went through the Blackness?" Ezra laughed out loud after asking.

Passersby barely gave him a look, most continued with their day.

That was the treat of strange communal privacy, moving past rushing kids and mobs of conversationalists amid the crowded bazaar.

"Yes, is it that rare?" Adam asked, his head remaining in Ezra's general direction as the mage weaved and shoved through the crowd.

Unlike the struggling Ezra, Adam simply had to walk straight and the people around him instinctively knew they shouldn't try to push back.

"I guess, being how expensive and dangerous it is." Ezra said and side glanced at him over a small lady that passed between them "Did you get it for a discount?" The man eyed him intensively all of a sudden, before a tall man pushed between them, on Ezra, of course.

"What?" Adam glanced back confused at the statement.

"Uff-" Ezra shoved past the man "You know what I'm talking about. The green evershard, and the rune you need to bind on it. They're both extremely pricey and rare. And you don't seem to be rolling in carits." Ezra poked at Adam, intrigued.

Not literally, of course, since he was too busy trying to find where his usual salesman sailed off to.

"I got them, what does it matter?" Adam said with a sigh.

Adam was starting to understand what the Guildmaster warned him about. He didn't want to provide too much information: you couldn't trust anyone. All the mage needed to do was magic, which he seemed capable of if nothing else.

"What does it matter? A discount green evershard could be great for- Oh, there you are." Ezra grinned, pushing aside one of the browsing customers of the booth and placing himself before the salesman.

"Ahhh! Ezra, it's a pleasure to see you as ever." The merchant, clothed in blue and wearing a white turban atop his head, gave a big practised smile at his 'favourite' customer.

"Yes, yes. Now where are the materials I ordered?" Ezra leaned forward.

Ezra didn't have time to waste in this sweat heap, not when there was money-making and Tayon-killing to do.

"Straight to the point, fantastic." The merchant said, taking out a few boxes, and presenting to Ezra various things: "Dried food, wine, water flasks, unrefined Death Mountain red evershards, and-"

"-Alright, alright. I can see everything's here, usual rate?" Ezra was already on his way to take out his coin.

"I'm afraid due to the increasing insectoid attacks, the tariffs of the gnolls have been increasing." The merchant likely couldn't help but give a grin, either out of nervousness or actual glee.

When Ezra eyed him angrily, the merchant shrugged back with a response.

"You know how pricey gnolls can be, Ezra."

"Don't give me that bullshit, then just take non-gnoll carriages." The mage snapped all of a sudden and started fuming- literally. People around unconsciously moved away from the increased heat on this already hot day.

Adam perked his brow. Every little thing seemed to make the mage upset. It was as if he was trying to constantly chase anger. It's obvious he has issues controlling himself. I was right to doubt him.

"Uhh... You know it's safest with gnolls, Ezra. They protect cargo, and if it's lost they even go to lengths to retrieve it." The merchant quickly tried to calm down the scorching man in front of him.

If only because the merchant was worried about the end state of the wooden structure he was currently inside of.

Ezra collected the stuff from the table, "You're in luck, I'm in a good mood today." and stuffed it all into his bag.

The merchant objected, "Loo-look-..." He cleared his throat. "It's not like I asked to buy your spellbook again, even though I've been getting a lot of offers. I was only saying the tru-"

A bag of coins was tossed at his face, "-Urhk" The merchant let them drop into his hands after unwillingly catching them by his teeth.

"Don't make me beat you with it too, old man. Even if the Emperor himself wants my spellbook he'll have to get it out of my cold, dead, hands." Ezra said with a Thud to the merchant booth's table.

It shouldn't be that heavy, Adam thought. The warrior glanced over and saw a massive chunk of ice splintered the front of the booth.

The mage extracted his arm from inside the large piece of ice now slowly melting away.

"Use the extra coin to fix your place, idiot." Ezra sneered and walked away.

Adam, somewhat confused, but not enough to lose his composure or outward stare, followed suit. Yes, Ezra was quite a powerful, angry mage.

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