Blades, Fire and Death, of My

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Where our two agents of destruction face two others of a strange, unnatural nature.

The Red Eyed man went for a punch. His fist brimmed with the fire engulfing it, as it went right into the mage's gut.

Wizards needed time, and space to perform their magic. So the best way to deal with them was to relentlessly attack. That was what he thought, but when he heard a loud 'krrrCHhh' instead of a 'Crrrunchh', he looked blinking up at the mage.

The human-like wizard before him grinned. The wizard's eyes glowed in a bronze hue. The Red Eyed man drew back his head in shock. A bronze hue? Was he also like the- Before the thought could be finished, a fist covered in stone crashed into his face, sending him hurling over the burnt couch and onto the floor.

"So, fire doesn't work, but earth does." Ezra laughed, letting the stone guard fall from his hand onto the floor. Some rocks then pelted down from within his cloak.

"Aren't you a wizard?" The Red Eyed man asked as he flipped up from the floor onto his feet swiftly, compressing hot air below him to do so.

"You have a spellbook." The Red Eyed man questioned as the man's red eyes glanced down at said book.

"Oh, you want to see some wizard spells?" Ezra pulled up his spellbook with his right hand and flipped it open, waving his left hand as he uttered arcane words.

The Red Eyed man watched with a raised brow. He saw some wind blow in from the large window behind the mage causing some of the torn furniture to waver, and ... nothing happened.

"What are you waiting for, an invitation? You can say how great I am at any time." Ezra proclaimed, laughing.

The Red Eyes decided he was done watching and launched forward.

Only to find himself suddenly spun and restrained mid-air, "Uggh-" The Red Eyes grunted as he saw and felt the fabric from the couch wrap around him tightly, locking his arms.

He looked at the mage in anger just in time to see a fistful of ice strike him right in the face, "-aaRRrgH" the Red Eyes stumbled backward.

The Red Eyed man began burning up, literally, and setting fire to the fabric with a huff.

"So you're some kind of innate fire user, or a practised one, but you're obviously not a goblin... so, are you also a Tabiea?" Ezra inquired and watched with a bright smile, and a wave of open arms as the firey man came charging at him in full force.

With no answer other than his fist, the full flame tackle of the Red Eyed man was centimetres away from making a Wizard-stain on the floor before being stopped in place. Not by choice, of course, but because some manner of force was holding him in place.

The Red Eyes looked down to see himself and saw some manner of radiating, bronze-sheened energy, locking his foot, arm and half of his chest in place, alongside his neck.

"Surprised?" Ezra grinned, looking back into the Red Eyes' red eyes so that the Red Eyes could see Ezra's red eyes.

"What are you doing to me?" The Red Eyes tried to struggle, but it seemed the bronze-coloured energy caught him in such a position that his limbs were stuck, unable to knock down the field surrounding him.

"Do you like it? Most wizards use Energy Shield as a quick-memory-pull spell for mobile protection in between other spells. But I found out that if you condense it enough the moment it's created, you can lock things in it. Isn't that great?" Ezra explained with a large grin.

The Red Eyes narrowed his red eyes and started to burn.

Not your normal, everyday fire. The couches, the broken chairs, the flipped table, everything that was scorched with ashes was once again lighting up in flames. As the seemingly Red Eyed human man started to burn up in flames. The flames engulfed, or rather, would've fully engulfed Ezra, if not for the wall of wind that now surrounded him, keeping the flames in check.

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