No Bed, No Breakfast, No way

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Where our agents find a new quest, and a new opportunity to fill their bellies.

"What do you mean there's no food?" Conroy asked the guard who halted them at the entry.

Why am I surprised by people's inability to think logically and plan ahead every single time?

The guard was a simple man. No helmet, red-white colouring that was mismatched to the complete-grey uniform the Pilerafian forces had, as far as Conroy knew from the mission briefing, not to mention it seemed like it was sewn from spare cloth. And a spear that he was pretty sure would break its tip if it dared attack even the breeze.

"Sorry sire." The guard answered honestly, not looking too happy about that fact himself.

"Alright then just let us come in, we can at least demand passage" The Park Ranger concluded. There's no food out here, and the guard just admitted there is food in there. Right?

"Sorry sire, I'm not allowed to let anyone in, orders from the top and whatnot, sire." The guard explained as verbosely as he could.

"Who disallowed you?" Conroy tried to approach this logically, he might as well, worst of all, they'll go in by force. He's not going to starve out here.

"The town head, sire." The guard explained.

"I want to meet him." Conroy proceeded.

"I'm 'fraid ya can't do so without permission from the town head, sire." The guard professed.

Conroy thought for just a moment. Opened his mouth. Closed it. Looked to the Park Ranger who was holding up a palm in a 'Stop' motion.

Conroy nodded.

The Park Ranger came forward. Conroy came back.

"We've come here to solve the problem." The Park Ranger proclaimed.

The guard looked happy.

Conroy looked confused for a moment. Then baffled. Then bewildered. Then enraged.

Oh not again.

"Ah'll show ye to the town's head!" The guard motioned the two along, which led them across a cobbled street. 


The duo weren't in that many villages in Pileraf territory. This certainly seemed par for the course for a bigger one. There was a road, for one. Singular, but still. Some houses even had two floors, that was something. There were shop signs, so you knew there were travellers that often stopped here, probably because there was no other choice. Right now, however, everything seemed closed. Sure, a few eyes popped here and there, waving at the guard and offering their goods to the two. Mostly household items they had no real use for at the moment. People seemed to stay in their homes.

Eventually, they got to a home that was more broad than it was tall, with large, various arrays of stone surrounding the house based on patches of dirt. They looked like where you'd plant vegetables, only they were empty.

Knock Knock Knock

"Who's there?" A gruff voice burst from inside.

"It's Kevin, sir." The guard proclaimed.

"Ye're supposed to be on the front of the road, lad, what are ye doing here?" The door opened, and an older man with a workman's clothes that seemed to have seen many winters, alongside a grey-silver beard and hair, opened the door. The man wasn't tall, in fact, the younger Kevin was nearly a head taller than him, but by his expression alone he looked like he could take the youth with a single punch. The fact his arms looked as thick and hairy as his neck also gave that impression.

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