The Wizard and The Giant

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Where our agents meet new companions or perhaps new enemies.

"Yes, there are two of us." A feminine voice proclaimed, though as if coming through lungs of steel. Like a trumpeter announcing their own arrival.

Conroy did hear about titans, once in a blue moon a pair of humans would have an abnormally tall child, and really for him, it was just that. They weren't guaranteed to be stronger, but they usually were by sheer size and weight. Most people attributed their presence to some old god, Hammahir, and the remnants of his blood coming out stronger in some human offsprings. Conroy was never big on religion. Sure, people said the gods gave them powers- mostly priests- but alternatively, they could just be wizards or sorcerers that are taught specific motions and understandings to bend certain forces of magic. Has anyone ever seen any of these so-called gods?

As Conroy debated his atheistic views with himself, the conversation over at the door was ongoing despite the two of them. Meanwhile, the Park Ranger was eating food offered by the town head's wife, with an extra portion provided for the kitty on his lap, which he offered to it religiously. It mewled in delight.

Conroy turned to the food as well, no longer looking at the trio by the door. But you see, Conroy was smarter, he was gobbling up the business behind him with his ears and the food before him with his mouth.

"You don't say." The head of the town seemed happy for the first time, holding a document as he exchanged glances between it and the young-robed man.

Huh, he can also read, great, Conroy's annoyance grew.

"Ye're an apprentice of Tayon himself? Of course, we'll have ye here! Come in! Come in!" The town-head proclaimed and showed the two inside, still wearing a smile. His large and firm board-like hand gave two pats to the youth on his back. Generating a desperate grunt from the young man as all air suddenly left his lungs not once, but twice- causing his lungs to now inhabit a negative amount of air that he had to raspily and rapidly gasp to restore.

Conroy filled that quota by nearly gasping as well. Tayon's apprentice? Here? Now? He gulped quickly, backing into his seat and saying nothing as if he heard nothing.

The two came in, although the titaness had to bend her head to keep the roof from collapsing. And automatically she started wearing a forced smile, being used to the bombardment of questions, including: 'Are you alright?', 'I'm sorry we don't have a bigger house', 'We just don't get many of your kind here' - Which the town's head began to recite in his heavy accent. Conroy did not feel like listening any longer at that point and went back to his food and kept track of where the young thin man was going.

The town head's wife came to also appreciate the giantess, and they all seemed so happy apologizing to each other together, Conroy thought. As both he and the Park Ranger were fighting over who would have the last piece of bread. After all, if they can't find the stocks of food, they might as well stock all the food they can get here.

When the introductions were finally complete at the side of the room, the town-head turned to the 'lesser' duo (Conroy imagined in his mind) and immediately frowned seeing the table picked clean.

"The food was fantastic." the Park Ranger said through a stuffed mouth. Hoping it would appease the town head's wife, and thus would spare them from retribution. To his and Conroy's delight, it did.

The town-head scoffed and motioned both the youth and the giantess to the other couch he had perpendicular to the one the 'lesser' duo were on. To finish off the almost-square, he had an armchair that faced both couches upon which he now re-sat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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