Our Unsaid Feeling

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At night - 1:00 AM

Y/N was not feeling sleepy because about whom she wanted to dreamed of has broken her dream now. Her heart, her soul her everything she has given to him. She got up and stood at window side seeing the outer view. May be nature has knew her pitiful condition that's why it was consoling her by showing it's rainy side. Thunder and lightening were making her flinched and teach her that she should face the reality even how hard it is. It has been raining outside continuously.

Yoongi couldn't sleep properly because whenever he tried to sleep
Y/N crying face came into his mind. He has been continuously thinking about her. He was feeling different after her confession. He wanted to meet Y/N right now.

He went to her room and stood outside assumed if she is asleep or not but he didn't think more and unlocked her room and entered without making any noise.

Y/N was lost in her thought. She didn't get to know that Yoongi is in her room. He came close to her and stood behind her.

Yoongi - Why.. aren't you sleep Y/N?

Y/N got finched hearing his sudden voice from her behind. Before she could say anything lights out. Her room got dark and filled with their breathing only. Suddenly lightening showed that voice owner face.

Y/N - Yoongi ...( her parted thrumbling  lips)

Yoongi - Yes.. it's me.( cold voice)

Y/N( making herself normal) - Why have you come here you sleepy head?

Yoongi - because I wanted to see you.

Y/N - Okk...you see me ..now go back to your room..it's not..good...( she started to move from that small area but before she could Yoongi hold her wrist)

Yoongi -  I want to talk Y/N....( deep voice)

Y/N(she smiled and tried to go) - We can talk tomorrow....(tried to escape)

Yoongi(roughly pulled her back and pinned her hand against the window. Rain was getting heavy. Thunder and lightening were showing their emotions for each other. Glass of window found small water droplet.

Y/N( yelped in sudden pain) - Ahh... Yoongi...what the hell..what are you doing ..???(surprised seeing his unseen behaviour)

Yoongi - I am asking you the same question...what the hell are you doing..?( he grabbed more her hand and close his face to see in her eye)

Y/N - Yoongi...leave my hand......Ahh God ....what are you talking about...??? ( she moves away her face)

Yoongi - This ..this is exactly I am talking about....why are you ignoring me...???(getting angry)

Y/N - I am not...I am just..not ignoring you.. (she looked at him just once and move away her face)

Yoongi - Then why aren't you looking at me ? ( he was pissed off her cold reaction to him in dining area.)

Y/N(gathered her all broken emotions and smiled) - I am ahh.. not ignoring you.. Yoongi ( she looked at him with her loving eyes)

Yoongi( sighed and led his gaze to her) - Don't lie if you can't..( straight face)

Y/N(looked down and then said) - I can't lies that you are not meant to me. I can't lie that I haven't dreamed of my life with you. I can't lie that I haven't submitted my everything to you already...I can't lie that I don't belong to you...(tears started making their way)...sorry my grumpy cat...I can't lie....

Yoongi( he knew that Y/N was full of emotions and she needs someone to listen her. He loosened his grip and wipped her tears) - Y/N...Y/N...shhhh....
(he was breathing heavily. Her words were making their way to knock his heart. He was feeling like something was burning inside him)

Yoongi made her to sit on the bed and he kneeled down. She is the only one for whom he can go down.

Yoongi - Y/N..I know I hurt you..I wish I could less you pain... but nothing has changed..look at us..we are still the same...I am your Yoongi..and you are my Y/N..this is the fact. No one can take your place....

Y/N - and how about your.... Girlfriend if you...give my place to....(she said cutely while wipping her tears)

Yoongi - It won't happen okk.. let's be like we before.. crazy and fearless ..

Y/N PoV - for your happiness and our friendship I can bear anything.

Y/N - Like dumb and dumber....(she teased him)

Yoongi(smiled) - Yes...like dumb (pointed himself) and dumber (pointed her)

Y/N -  No..like dumb( pointed herself)
and dumber( pointed him)

Yoongi - Here we go...(he was done by their madness) ..we can do this argument for all night.( he laughed)

Y/N - Yes ..it is possible ( she laughed with him)

Y/N POV - May be this is right I can't force him to be mine. Yoongi...if you are in my destiny..then somehow we could get each other with our own feeling. My love hasn't gone less for you. It remain the same and it will be. I wish you find your happiness and your love my Yoongi. I love u...forever..

See in next 😉😌😊

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