We Can Share Her

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All of them went to drinking section. They were really excited. In their group boys and girls were there. Yoongi was careful he slightly smiled when he see Y/N and Nancy.

Yoona - Come on guys.. let's grab some drinks.

All of them cheered and had drink.
Y/N was a little scared. She saw Yoongi and Nancy had drinks in one go. She was going to have it but Yoongi hold her wrist while having drink by other hand then he said to Y/N.

Yoongi - No...You can't.( dominant voice)

Y/N(said in low voice) - Why..I wanna try it.

Yoongi - You can't handle it Idiot. (said in low voice then chuckled)

Y/N( looked him in angry face) - And what about you ???

Yoongi(made proud face) - I have high alcohol tolerance Y/N.. don't be stubborn like a kid...ok ( made assured face to her and let go her hand)

Y/N( deep sighed) - Okey..

Yoona told all them to go to the dance floor. She grabbed Y/N hands too and took her to the dance floor. All them were having fun. Nancy took Yoongi and started close dancing with him. She was deliberately doing to make
Y/N jealous. She wrapped her hand around his neck. Yoongi was feeling not good. He could see Y/N glanced at them but she gave him fake smile and dancing with others.

Suddenly a hot guy approached to
Y/N. He talked nicely to Y/N and asked her to dance with him. She found him nice then agreed and started dancing with him. Yoongi was looking at them whole time. His blood was boling in anger. His eyes was filled with disappoint. He got mad and left Nancy on dance floor. Nancy had no idea. She got a little upset and to make Yoongi jealous she approached to other guy and closely danced with him.

Yoongi went to drinking section. He glanced at Nancy but he didn't bother when he saw Nancy close dancing with other man. He was getting mad & had more drink while watching Y/N with other guy. Suddenly that guy behaviour got changed. He came closer to Y/N. Here Yoongi made fist and greeted his teeth. That guy tried to touch Y/N's arm and said something in Y/N's ear. Y/N got scared hearing what he said. She tried to go but he grabbed her arm and pulled closer to him. Y/N was feeling scared and uncomfortable. She tried to get away from his hand. The guy was going to touch her waist but suddenly a strong hand hold his hand tightly.

The guy - What happen dude...do you have any problem..??( he asked him casually)

Yoongi - HOW DARE YOU TO TOUCH HER..YOU F*CKING..SHIT( He was going to beat him but Y/N and others stopped him. Yoongi got too much angry. He grabbed Y/N's hand harshly. He took her out from the pub)

Nancy and other friends started following them. They could sense his wrath by his dark aura. That guy followed them too and said loudly.

The guy - Hey man.. come on..we can share her. Give her to me for one night. Come to me Babygirl...daddy will make you..feel..good..more then your this boyfriend..( he laughed)

Yoongi lost his patience. He became insanely crazy. He rushly went to that guy and started to punch him like hell. He was beating him hard like he wanted to take his life. Everyone was trying to stop him but he was not stopping. Yoona told Y/N to stop him.

Y/N went to him and tried to pull his hand and stop him. She was crying to see him like this crazy.

Y/N - Yoo..Yoongi..yoongi..please..stop..
He will get die..please leave him...Yoongi let him go.( pleading him)

Yoongi - Y/N..leave me..I will kill him..how dare he said this...I wil kill him today...( still punching him)

Y/N(crying with scared) - Yoongi..plz..
Let him go...please ..stop..I am scared...pls...pls...( crying hard)

Yoongi(stopped then said) - YOU MADE MISTAKE TRIED TO TOUCH HER. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I CAN DO WITH YOU...I WILL KILL YOU BLOODY FIFTHY SHIT IF YOU DARE TO THINK ABOUT HER EVEN IN YOUR DREAM...I WILL KILL YOU...(came close to his ear and whispered in low voice) I DON'T SHARE WHAT'S MINE..AND FOR HER...I CAN KILL YOU RIGHT NOW.. ( made fist again to punch him but Y/N put her hand on his shoulder)

Y/N(begging voice) - Yoongi.. please.

Yoongi loosened his grip and got up. He looked Y/N with furious eyes. He hold her wrist tightly. Y/N screamed a little in pain. He took her to his car and made her to get in. Nancy silently followed them and get in. Whole ride was silent and car was filled with his heat. Y/N heart was pounding. She has never seen him like this mad. Yoongi dropped Nancy to her home. He didn't say a word to her. Here Nancy was angry before because Yoongi was not get jealous but now she was happy because she could feel Yoongi's hate for Y/N in his eyes.

Nancy POV - Poor Y/N...you tried to snatch my boyfriend but see..what happened to you...he treated you badly....Now you will see his worst side....all the best...Y/N.( evil smile)

See in next 🙈😛🥰❤️

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