(Prolouge) Dumb enough to?

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1st POV

I should have known better, but curiosity often leads us down dangerous paths. The man I encountered on that early morning walk exuded an aura of danger that drew me in despite my better judgment.

His eyes, like pools of amber, held a chilling intensity that sent shivers down my spine. Yet, instead of heeding the warning signs, I approached him head-on.

He exuded an aura of charm, someone you'd approach, but with eyes that held a chilling intensity.

     I jogged up to the man briskly "Hello, sir. Is everything alright?" I said, slightly panting the word 'Hello'.

He just seemed to stare at me for a moment, He regarded me with a mix of amusement and suspicion, adjusting his suit sleeve before responding in a cryptic manner. His charming grin sent shivers down my spine as he questioned me with his...very astonishing eyes.

I look up into the man's amber eyes, getting a look at him now, he seemed well put together, fancy, of sorts where you would assume the man to be a gentleman.

"Does something seem to be of matter?" he inquired, his tone laced with subtle menace, laced with pure charm. "I wouldn't presume so. Would you?"

Feeling a knot form in my stomach, I attempted to deflect his unsettling remarks, playing dumb to avoid escalating the situation.

But deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this encounter than met the eye.

Dreams always seemed to do that.

"As odd as it may seem, your eyes remind me of my own," I ventured, hoping to steer the conversation away from dangerous territory.

He chuckled softly, his gaze piercing. "Your perception is intriguing, my dear. But do be careful where your curiosity leads you."

"Hmm? Mine? Like your own you say? you must be mistaken dear, my eyes are not as quaint. How charming..  Like yours?" He lets out a boasted laugh. 

"A woman  with such brilliant eyes such as yourself...What do mine say to you?" He asked, leaning forward slightly.

Yet seemingly confused and somewhat charmed his tone changed at the end of his list of questions, his voice got colder and... darker. They're...hungry, something tells me it isn't regular meat either.

As we exchanged pleasantries, a sense of foreboding washed over me. Suddenly, his tone shifted, and his words took on a darker edge.

"You must forgive me," he said, his voice dropping to a low murmur. "I'm afraid I have a penchant for indulging in...unconventional appetites. Do you enjoy rich cuisines? We can chat more over dinner."





'This man was serious! What...!? This cant be right, he couldn't be possibly that stupid to openly tell me something, that is of course... he has nothing to lose? meaning, i may or may not be his next victim.' 

"What?" I ask, my breath catching in my throat. Maybe I catch on too quickly. But I was relatively calmer than I should've been.

A chill ran down my spine as his words hung in the air, unspoken implications lingering between us. I struggled to maintain my composure, my mind racing with the implications of his 'confession?'

"Hmmm? I don't believe I said anything, startling did I?" He said fully composed

'Quick I'll play dumb!'

"Ah.. no I suppose not." I say, chuckling charmingly, My eyes drift away from his trying to find anything interesting in the moment other than him to perhaps save my skin. Playing dumb enough to not cause suspicion. trying not to worry about it, on the outside at least. 

'I'm such a fool I know, but if I play dumb then I'll be safe, the more a killer knows that you know, the more suspicious you are, the more liable you aren't to make it. This man, whatever he does in his pastime is not any of my business...but.. I am sure.. I knew what he said. He can't hide it'

I gulped down a laugh as I put out my hand for a good shake. 

"(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n) " I say. He gives a pleasant and kind smile and takes my hand seemingly way too condescending.

"Well, My dear, Aren't you just the polite lady? Might I add, it's nice to meet you. You can call me..." His voice died out at the end, and my vision went blurry.

"I'm sorry... I didn't quite catch that...." I said. He looked at me quizzically and spoke again, but no sound came out, just the moving of his lips.







My ears start to ring and I lift my hands to my ears as my vision goes black....











Just then as if seemingly in a moment I open my eyes and I abruptly sit up in my bed with a loud gasp for air as I clutch my blanket to my chest.

'Why am I sweating so much? Weird' I thought, my heart was pounding, what was seemingly a regular dream woke me up as far as to put me on edge.

A regular dream... That's what I'd like to tell myself, but, With the way I lucid dream constantly, I don't know whether or not I should fear this is a sign.

Even through the mans fake persona I could sense a feel of deep danger from him, the way he spoke to me, that cunning and charming smile, whatever, and whoever that man was, no doubt could be a danger.

I'm afraid that man may make his way into my present life seeing how I am somehow able to predict the future through my lucid dreams on occasion. I rubbed my eyes and tried calming down my breath.

'What did my mother call it again?' I thought for a few seconds.

Ah, yes that's right. Clairvoyancy. Whoever that man is, whether I am drawn to him or not, I'm dumb yes, but not dumb enough to fall for such measly schemes such as charm and manipulation.


(sorry short prologue, can you guess who the man was? :D  Author-nee)

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