(Ch.21) Mixed Signals, Nothin I Can't Handle

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As Billy frowned deeper, his steps grew louder, echoing in the confined space of the attic. Y/N's heart raced as he approached her, his presence looming over her like a dark shadow. She held her breath, unsure of what his next move would be.

Suddenly, Billy stopped in front of her, his eyes intense as he pulled her into an unexpectedly tight and possessive hug. Y/N gasped at the suddenness of his embrace, feeling his strength enveloping her like a vice. Its better than choking her so... Progress?

"Billy..." she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, a mixture of surprise and apprehension coloring her tone.

But Billy didn't respond, his hold on her tightening even further, as if he were trying to merge their bodies into one. His breath was hot against her neck, sending shivers down her spine as she struggled to find her composure.

Despite the intensity of his embrace, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity and warmth in his touch. She knew that beneath his troubled exterior, there was a longing for connection, a yearning for acceptance.

Tentatively, she wrapped her arms around him, returning his embrace with equal fervor. And as they stood there, her locked in his arms amidst the dusty relics of the attic, Y/N couldn't help but wonder what the fuck was going on

"I.. Uh.. So you're not hurt?" She said nervously, she wasn't used to getting hugs by people she didn't know too well, she was typically avoiding of hugs from men, even her guy friends, unless she knew them really well. Her mom would say it's a trauma response for what her biological father did, but that's a story for another day.

Billy's grip loosened slightly as Y/N spoke, his eyes clouded with a mix of confusion and vulnerability, as if confused on why'd she ask that. He shook his head slowly, his lips forming a thin line as he struggled to articulate his thoughts.

"No," he muttered, his voice barely audible as he pressed his forehead against hers, his breath mingling with hers in the stale air of the attic.

Y/N could feel the tension in his body, the way his not so apparent muscles tensed and relaxed in rapid succession. Though she took notice of how he's gained back some meat on his bones from her feeding him, that made her happy. She knew that Billy's behavior could be unsettling at times, very unsettling...but she also understood that it stemmed from a place of fear and uncertainty. At least she tried to understand.

"It's okay," she whispered, her voice a soothing presence in the darkness.

Billy's grip on her tightened once more, his fingers digging into her skin with a mixture of desperation and longing. He murmured to himself, his words a jumbled mess of fragmented thoughts and emotions.

Y/N listened attentively, her heart aching for him as she tried to decipher the tangled web of his mind. She knew that their journey wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to stand by his side, offering him the love and understanding he so desperately craved.

"Are you hungry? I made breakfast.. I'm sorry I didn't get it to you in time.. A friend came over for a bit, he left a while ago..." She said calmly as she brought her hand up to one of his hands digging into her skin and gave it a reasuring squeeze, she had a feeling that's why he was throwing stuff around and making a mess, she accidentally messed up his schedule and it made him freak out, she was very understanding of this.

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