(Ch.13) schools out

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Second period




Y/ns pov



First period left a bitter taste in my tongue. I was constantly considering that the person sitting next to me, one of my closest friends was either obsessed with me, or obsessed with the idea of helping Billy, in any case, then that means Billy was out to get me as well.

During the entirety of the period Stu was trying to get my attention, but I tried focusing more on my work. I was mad, obviously, the thought of my best friends betraying me in any way also hurt, I felt hurt, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions so I refuse to snap at them.

Of course I made small talk, but that was about it. Brief




"I guess's"

he didn't seem to he played about it, so far as to after class he stopped me and asked if I was mad at him and if I was okay.

I told him "I'm good, just feel off today." So here I am now my head on the table leaning against Tate as we wait for that damned cannibal to show up.

"Seriously, you don't look okay, you're more closed off today." Tate said quietly, kind enough not to mention the fight.

"I'm just... Really up tight about all this shit. The shit with Sidney and that killer, the shit with my friends, the shit with our teacher, my shitty dreams, ghosts, it's all tiring..." I said as I sighed and glanced at him through my hair.

"Can I make it better?" He asked as he put his head on the table to match mine, I shake me head and lean it on his.

"You being here is enough, you get me.. You know more about my mental health than anyone... You have to with the whole group therapy thing." I say softly.

He smiles at me and rubs my arm gently as Hannibal walks in, I hadn't noticed untill now that Mr. Graham was leaning against the board in the back.

I turn to look at him and the first thing I notice is his dead stare to the front before he glances at me for a brief second and points to the front, with his other arm still crossed, telling me to pay attention to whatever Hannibal was going to say.

I turn around and jolt because I see him standing in front of me.

"Miss L/n, I'd like to discuss something with you after class." He said with his usual charming smile. I gulp and side eye Tate who was just observing, before nodding.

"I uh... Yes sir." He pats the table twice before moving back to the front. I could here people whispering from a mile away. About me, about the fight, about my friends.

"She's definitely a whore, I mean come one, every time I see her there is a boy near her." Said a girl not to far behind me.

Not that smart... (A slasher various x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now