(Ch.4) Demon vs Lucid

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Riley household




Sidney laughed and sighed, not knowing what to do anymore except relax now that the killer had been caught. "Just another sleepover at the Riley's." She said.

Tatum hummed and nodded, I lay beside her staring at the ceiling on the verge of falling asleep, that dream about our new biology teacher was still bothering me, and I still didn't know what to make of this whole situation with Billy, I'm kind of hoping its not him, or anyone I'm close with, its like were in a horror movie, now don't get me wrong, I love horror movies, I just don't think id be able to handle the betrayal...

Tatum noticed how me and Sidney were both stumped, she tried to lighten up the mood with a smile. "Just like old times huh?" I just stared at the ceiling and rested my eyes.

Sidney sighed. "No, nothing is like it used to be..." She rolled over and faced me on the bed and looked at me before sighing again.

"I just don't know what to make of this... I mean....he tried to kill you...if anything he should be killing someone that's actually...i don't know...dumb...you're obviously too smart, right?" I said before turning to Sidney with a smile. She looked at me bashfully and shook her head,
"thank you Y/n..."

I hum at her.

A telephone rings somewhere in the house, but we all ignore it for now. Our conversation was more important "do you think Billy did it?" Tatum was at a loss for words like me and Sidney

"He was THERE, Tatum...He had that phone..." Sidney defended. I sigh and throw a pillow over my face and groan really loudly. Billy loved Sidney, why would he... I know I said that there was a possibility that the killer didn't have a motive... like all those movies I've watched, but this is real life, he wouldn't just kill Sidney for no reason, and the fact that her mother's death anniversary is near as this is all going on... it seems to all connect.. What if-

"I knew this guy was too perfect. He was destined to have some kind of flaw" Tatum said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"And it just so happened to be... a psycho killer." I say while lying down.

"Can we worry about this tomorrow and just sleep? No? Just me? K" I say while flipping over and closing my eyes, snuggling in the blanket and doing my signature flamingo position.





Sidney's Pov


It had been a few minutes and Y/n was already out cold. I sigh and smile. At least she's happy and carefree, seems like she's the only calm person around to keep everyone at bay. She's sarcastic but she's so sweet. Billy....there had to be a reason... Y/n is smart, she'll probably figure it out, she probably already has.

My thoughts were cut off by Tatum grabbing my shoulder and painting her thumb to the door to leave Y/n to sleep peacefully without us disturbing her. Something about my dad being on the phone.

Not that smart... (A slasher various x fem!reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ