(Ch.8) She feeds me

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Y/n's pov



I fumbled with my keys as I unlocked my front door. I'm known for my paranoia but I fill watched, not the good kind of 'oh she's pretty' kind of watched when pretty people walk down the street, but a bad kind...

Like something wants something from me. I don't like it, I never liked it, I hate being watched, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.... It reminds me of those eyes watching my every step, even after a year it haunts me, you'd expect me to move on.

I walk into the house stumpling a bit as my foot gets caught in the doorframe. I take my jacket off and hold it in my arms as I take my shoes off and toss my keys on the table. The house creaks. That's normal to me.

I still can't shake that encounter with that man, yes I'll admit he was handsome but his eyes didn't meet his charming smile, he's dangerous I can feel it, it makes me uneasy.

In the quiet solitude of my home I make my assent up the big flight of stairs to my room, the creaks following me like a moth to a flame as I run my finger along the wallpaper and make it to my room, I throw my backpack on the floor and quickly undress and change into my usual sleep wear, which is usually just my sports bra, and some boys basketball shorts with some socks.

Before throwing myself in bed, oblivious to the world, I have more important things to focus on, like that caller, investigation can wait, I'm tired and my head needs rest. I take my pills on the side of my bed with some melatonin, before laying down and closing my eyes under the covers.





??? Pov____


Dumb girl, dumb girl. Always ignoring [redacted], like, like nothing.

That's okay, that's okay, she'll see, I'll make her.

Dumb girl, dumb girl.

So pretty, she smells nice, pretty, very pretty.

So soft... She could hurt me again if she wanted to. Oh, to be underneath her again, having her scream at me.

I giggle to myself at all the thoughts of the pretty girl, she always feeds me, everyday, she walks up here, to ME, to [Redacted].

Well, to the attic, she doesn't know I'm up here, but she still feeds me out of fear, she's scared of me, as she should be, she should be happy I haven't killed her yet and done with her what I want.

But she's better than that, she's better. She's kind, she's kind. She feeds me, comes up here and slides food up here before quickly retreating, but she feeds me, and that dumb guy in the walls, stupid boy, dumb boy, that's what he acts like, a dumb little boy and his dumb mask, he stinks, he's dumb, he makes me mad, following her around ever time she's around, stealing her clothes and watching her.

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