(Ch.11) She sees deeper

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School yard



3rd person

The girls dissapeared out of view as the two men stood side by side. Will Graham shuffled with his hands in his pockets, before taking a deep breath, just moments ago it's like his breath was caught in his throat, it was hard to breathe.

The man turned to Hannibal, his eyes carrying in contemplation. As the wind blew a bit, Will sighed. It was quiet out, he confided in Hannibal about the sensation. He looked down at his feet but it was more like he was zoned out, before speaking lowly, as he usually would.

"Hannibal, there's something peculiar about Y/N. It's not just empathy; it's as if she resonates with a deeper, unspoken what's the word.....energy? I can't shake the feeling that she might be more than meets the eye." Will said. Hannibal smiled to himself, he loved how observational Will was.

He calmly acknowledged his observation. "Yes that is why I sought you out to analyze her, I couldn't quite figure much out about the young lady."

"Empathy and clairvoyance often dance in tandem. Your instincts have seldom led us astray. What makes you suspect she might be more than empathetic?" He was intrigued, indeed he would be, he's learning new things about someone he takes interest in, she's not necessarily rude either, only stands up for herself in... A passive manner.

Will hesitated, choosing his words carefully, "It's the way she carries herself, the subtle shifts in her aura, her eyes, they saw into mine. It's almost as if she's attuned to unseen threads, navigating the currents of something beyond the ordinary."

Hannibal, savoring the complexity of Will's keen observation, he had only briefly met the girl and seems to have her figured out just by slight bits of body language, Hannibal, impressed, responded,

"Clairvoyance, empathy – fascinating abilities, indeed. The flower may be a vessel of mysteries waiting to be unveiled?"

Will's revelation unfolded with a solemn gravity. "Hannibal, remember when I mentioned that Y/N looks like she's seen a ghost? In person, the energy I sensed from is suffocating compared to her picture– it seeps into my lungs, both me and hers, she could feel the squeeze too. She's not just empathetic; she's seen beyond the veil. Y/N is a medium."

Hannibal, smiling to himself, absorbed the revelation with a measured composure.

"A medium," he mused, "how intriguing. The layers of her abilities unfold like a tapestry of the supernatural. It seems we are dealing with a canvas painted in shades of empathy, clairvoyance, and communion with the otherworldly? How would you know all this? Your abilities never cease to surprise me, Will." He said with a kind chuckle.

Will leaned forward, his eyes reflecting a mix of fascination and concern. "Hannibal, there's an intricate dance of energies around her. It's not just about her seeing spirits; it's like she's entwined with their stories, their emotions. It's as if...the boundary between the living and the departed...blurs...in her presence."

Hannibal, ever composed, responded, "A door between realms. Such a gift can be a double-edged sword. It begs the question – is she a mere observer, or does she play a role in the narratives of those spectral encounters? If so a clairvoyant, she may see the future and or past correct?" 'That may be a liability if she's too close..' Hannibal thought to himself.

Will, contemplating the implications, continued, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose in concentration, "I sense a fragility in her, Hannibal. The weight of these  connections takes a toll. Other things in her life too, possibly past trauma, maybe from family, and stuff outside of the household, the killings here might make it worse. We need to tread...carefully, the path she walks is....its veiled....in mystery and potential peril."

Will's gaze bore into the distance, his mind unraveling the intricacies of Y/N's fragility. "Hannibal, it's not just the encounters with the supernatural that leave an imprint on her. There's a vulnerability in her spirit, a delicate balance disrupted by the weight of these connections. It's as if the echoes of the other side resonate within her, leaving subtle traces of sorrow and unrest, but she still has grit, strength to her will, her goals." He said while wiping his forehead, he was sweating.. Getting anxious again.

Hannibal, absorbing the nuances of Will's insights, acknowledged, "A delicate equilibrium indeed. The toll of being a conduit to the beyond is etched into her being. We must tread carefully here, the threads she walks upon are woven with the emotions of both the living and the departed. Not only that but she most undeniably has a feeling of self doubt, and guilt because she knows things that might occur and can't stop it from happening."

Will's expression grew somber as he broached a darker aspect of what this girl might know, " Consider the recent killings here. The echoes of violence and despair must reverberate through her soul. She's curious and determined to get this person because they tried attacking her friend. She's smarter than she looks, I can tell it seems like she might be catching on, I can feel it in her that she has a good and accurate idea of who it is too. The thin line between the realms she navigates could lead to disassociation, I feel like she reads, and school is like an escape for her to focus on something else, which would explain her detailed notes– a fragile balance disrupted by the realities of our world, yet it could also lead us forward in this case." He explained quickly, as if ranting, he was getting anxious.

Hannibal, ever attuned to the psychological intricacies, nodded thoughtfully. " The delicate way she performs, threading between the living and the spectral, could indeed render her susceptible to the weight of such things, but she seems like a headstrong young lady, and she's a very smart one too. The killings may be more than mere incidents; they could be a catalyst for a fracture in the tapestry of her consciousness, I'm sure we could decide a plan to help her and maybe grow closer to her." Said Hannibal, before seemingly dropping the topic there, to make Will relax for the time being, he loved seeing him work.

As they contemplated the potential toll on Y/N's psyche, perhaps some underlying things, decided it's best to just observe, and gain trust as of now. Subtle grooming, of course nothing in the sexual manner, that's only for Hannibal's unconscious mind. At first he found it repulsive... He doesn't really mind now because he can't control it, he just takes it as a repressed attraction.




(_____hello sweetheart 👋😊, another chapter, they getting deep into it dawg. Normal investigator behavior)

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