(Ch.3) Sleepover

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"Hey Rands?" I say meekly. He turns to me quickly from the register looking me dead in the eyes with his full attention before humming. "Hmm?"

I smile at him from where I'm standing in the horror section not far from the counter.

"Sid and Tatum want me to go over to help out, something about Sid being scared, but I still have some stocking to-"

Randy walks around the counter and takes the movies from my hand. I look up at him in surprise and he just moves my hair out of the way and kisses my forehead.

"You go, I got it" He said gently.

"But, isn't that too much work" I asked worried.

"Nah, I got it." he smiled down at me, I nod.

"Thank you Randy!'' I kiss his cheek and clock out before bolting out of the store.

Randy sighed as he watched (Y/n) leave the store

"Man... I should've asked for that date... she won't mind if I ask later.." He grumbled as he looked down at the movies he took from (Y/n)'s hands and put them away.




I'm jogging to my car as I fumble for my keys. My footsteps are clomping on the pavement. I open my car door and sit in the seat and bang my head on the steering wheel.

"At least I got out of work earlier.." I groan before putting on my seat belt, deciding to stop by my own house and grab what I need quickly before leaving to the Riley's house to see what's up.

I turn the keys to my car and turn it on as some music plays (Korn 😇)  I look in the rear view mirror and put my car in reverse, and then turn my way out of the parking lot.

When I got home I unlocked my door, but something felt off, the atmosphere was... tense. I shrug off my jacket and take off my shoes before tumbling upstairs.

When I get to my bedroom, I get my backpack from my closet and go to my drawer and pick out some clothes, so that I could possibly shower at Tatum's.

"That's odd.. Some of my clothes are missing.... Did they get lost in the laundry? I'll have to check later." I mumble as I close the drawer and turn around to look out my window, feeling somewhat watched.

I move over to my bed and put my clothes in the bag, before zipping it up and looking out of my window again. I tilted my head as I saw a man in a boiler suit and a white mask standing by a street light, nothing but a few houses down from me.

His gaze is fixated on a house a few doors over, but as if he can feel my gaze he turns his head slowly to look at me. Not sure if the man could see me or not, being the idiot I am, yet still a friendly idiot. I waved with a smile, he just stared into my soul with dead eyes.

Not that smart... (A slasher various x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now