(Ch.23) The Boogeyman's dinner

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L/n residence




She stared him in the eyes, her breathe hitching. Eye contact, always something held dear to her even in times when she's about to die

"I uh... I.... I don't care about whoever lived in that house... It's not my business what you-" she rambled before he growled and tightened his grip on her before throwing her over his shoulder. "EEP- I'M SORRY! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID BUT I'M SORRY!"

Y/N's panicked apologies fell on deaf ears as Michael remained silent, his grip on her tightening as he carried her effortlessly over his shoulder. She squirmed and wriggled, her heart pounding in her chest as she desperately tried to free herself from his grasp.

With each step he took, Y/N's mind raced, frantically searching for a way out of this nightmare. She glanced around, hoping to spot something, anything, that could help her escape. But the living room was empty, devoid of any salvation from the terror that loomed over her.

As The Boogeymen carried her towards an uncertain fate, Y/N's fear threatened to consume her entirely. She could feel the weight of his presence bearing down on her, suffocating her with its chilling intensity. But despite the overwhelming terror that gripped her, she refused to give up hope.
Also she just really hated being picked up off the ground without her consent, she was scared someone would drop her or she'd break their back somehow.
With a surge of determination, Y/N resolved to fight for her survival, to defy the darkness that threatened to swallow her whole. She knew that her only chance lay in finding a way to outsmart her captor, to turn the tables on the relentless force that sought to claim her as its own.

But as he carried her further into the depths of the unknown, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that her ordeal was far from over. With each passing moment, the sense of dread only grew stronger, as though warning her of the horrors yet to come. And as she braced herself for whatever lay ahead, Y/N clung to the hope that she would find a way to escape the clutches of evil and emerge victorious against all odds.
Hope as in to his clothes because she didn't want to be dropped.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!," She said abruptly "Have you eaten dinner?" She asked dumbly before facepalming because that's the only thing she could come up with. He stopped in his tracks, he didn't know what to think of her stupid ass question, but decided to humble her.

Myers paused, his grip on Y/N tightening slightly as he processed her unexpected question. He tilted his head slightly, his expression obscured by the eerie mask he wore, as though considering her words. Y/N held her breath, unsure of what his reaction would be, but determined to try anything to delay her inevitable fate. He found this funny, he liked her already, but this? No one has ever offered food, they usually just scream for help, he couldn't tell if she was just absolutely stupid or if she was halfway smart.

After a moment of tense silence, Michael released his hold on her, setting her down on her feet with surprising gentleness. Y/N stumbled slightly, her legs shaky from the adrenaline coursing through her veins, but she quickly regained her footing, her eyes never leaving the masked figure before her.

"I... I could make you something to eat, if you'd like," she offered tentatively, her voice wavering slightly with nervousness. "I mean, I know we got off on the wrong foot and all, but... but food can bring people together, right?"

Not that smart... (A slasher various x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now