Chapter 1

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One week after accident

Omer went to the hospital to check his health condition. The truth is, he wasn't there because he wanted to, but because Kıvılcım was afraid for him. He sat down on the chair and started talking to the doctor.

Omer: Hello.

Doctor: Hello Mr. Omer, how are you?

Omer: Apart from the fact that I had a headache and my hand trembles, I'm fine.

Doctor: Mr. Omer, I have your test results. As you remember, after your accident, I did some tests to see if you were okay. And now we have answer.

Omer: That's great.

[Doctor's face fall and Omer noticed this]

Omer: Somenthing wrong?

Doctor: Yes ...

Omer: It's bad??

Doctor: Unfortunatelly yes Mr. Omer. I've spoken with others doctors to confirm this diagnosis. You have a little tumor in your brain.

Omer: Can I die?

Doctor: Normaly you can live whole life with this. We can usually get rid of it with surgery but ... in your situation it's impossible.

Omer frozen, he didn't know what to say. He started thinking about his wife and son – what will happen when ... I die. He need time to analysis situation.

1 hour later:

Kıvılcım starts panic. Omer doesn't call or answer the phone. She starts walking around the house thinking about the worst. After a few minutes, Kıvılcım hears her phone. 

Kıvılcım: Omer?

Omer: My love.

Kıvılcım: What happend? Why are you not calling me?

Omer: It was a lot of people in the hospital, I waited for my visit 40 minutes.

Kıvılcım: Ok, but tell me ... everything is alright?

Omer breathed in and out, thinkig what to say to Kıvılcım. The most important thing for him is the happiness of Kıvılcım. He's afraid of how she'll react to the news of his illness. The only right option for him was to lie.

Omer: Yes, my life. Everything is alright. Don't panic. [He said this with sadness]

Kıvılcım: Offf, that's amazing, but your voice ...

Omer: Kivilcim, I'm ok. Calm down, please.

Kıvılcım: Ok my love. So I'm coming to your house and we'll talk a little. See you.

Omer: Ok,I send kisses bye.


It's very important day for Metehan and Cimen – today will be announced the final exam results.

Cimen: Metehan calm down a little bit.

Metehan: I'm scared. What if I ... Offfff, I can't wait.

Cimen: Why wouldn't you pass? You don't believe in yourself.

Metehan: Please Cimen stop ok, your right. Happy?

Cimen: You're acting like a little child ...

They started laughing. 10 minutes passed and the results are available on the school website. Metehan took the laptop and looked at the results - he didn't know what to say.

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