Chapter 14

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Today is the day when Omer is going to Spain. He's packing his clothes in a suitcase. Kıvılcım walks around the room all the time thinking that Omer will forget to pack something.

Omer: Darling, calm down a little bit. I'm already packed, I've got everything.

Kıvılcım: Are you sure? Do you have a passport?

Omer: Yes, I'm sure. I have my passport with me.

Kıvılcım: Good.

Omer walked up to her and hugged her. They stood like this for a long time.

Kıvılcım: You'll call me when you get there, won't you?

Omer: Of course. I don't want you to worry.

Kıvılcım: I'll wait. I miss you already.

Omer: Me too. I'll be back in two days. That time will pass quickly.

Kıvılıcm: I really don't want you to go.

Omer: And I don't want to leave you. I'll call you every day. And most important, if anything serious happens to you or the baby, you call me right away, okay?

Kıvılcım: Yes.

Omer: The car's waiting for me.

Kıvılcım: I'll walk you out.

They're going down together. The rest of the family say goodbye to Omer. Kıvılcım and Omer go out in front of the house, where the car is parked. Kıvılcım hugs Omer tightly. He looks at her and kisses her on the lips.

Omer: I have to go now. See you. I love you.

Kıvılcım: I love you too. See you.

Omer got in his car and drove to the airport. Kıvılcım waved goodbye to him. When the car left the entrance gate, Kıvılcım started to cry. She doesn't like being away from Omer. She misses him very much. Kıvılcım is outside for a while, then she's going home. In the living room sits Metehan, Cimen, Doga, and Sonmez. They're talking over tea.

Sonmez: Kıvılcım, why are you crying?

Kıvılcım: Omer's gone. I miss him very much.

Metehan: Two days and he'll be back. For now, you're gonna have to struggle with us. [he smiled]

Doga: Come, sit with us.

Kıvılcım: You sit here, I'll go to my room.

Doga: And you're just gonna sit there alone again?

Kıvılcım: Don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't want to be here with you, but I want to lie down. I'm tired.

Sonmez: I don't like your tiredness. You take a few steps and you're tired. We'll go to the doctor tomorrow.

Kıvılcım: You're exaggerating. I just couldn't sleep all night.

Cimen: Mom, no discussion. I'm gonna call my dad right now and tell him everything, and he's gonna cancel his trip immediately and come home.

Kıvılcım: Oho, it's already started... Okay, I'll go to the doctor tomorrow. But tiredness in my condition is normal.

Doga: I don't doubt it, but you'd better go and check it out.

Kıvılcım: Ok.

Kıvılcım went to her room to lie down. Metehan and Cimen went with Sonmez to the restaurant to help her and Mustafa. Doga went for a walk with Cemre. Kıvılcım was left alone at home. She slept for two hours. When she woke up, she went down to the kitchen to have a drink. She noticed there was no one at home. She took a sip of water and went out to the garden to enjoy the fresh air. She sat in the chair. At some point, she felt a cramp in her abdomen. It worried her. She caresses the abdomen with her hand. She's getting nervous, too soon for contractions, because she's five months pregnant. She tried to call Omer, but she left her phone in the bedroom. She couldn't get up, and waited for everything to pass.

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