Chapter 37

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Policemen handcuffed Omer and took him to the police car. They went with him to the police station, where he was to be questioned.

Everyone at home was in shock. Kıvılcım fell to her knees and began to cry. Everything she feared just came true. Sonmez and Cimen approached her and tried to help her get up, but she wouldn't.

Sonmez: Kıvılcım, please ,get up.

Cimen: Mom!

Kıvılcım: No. I have no strength. Did you see what happened? They took Omer!

Sonmez: He'll be back soon, you'll see.

Kıvılcım: He's not coming back. He'll go to jail.

Cimen: Don't say that. Nothing like that will happen.

Kıvılcım: I know what I'm saying!

Sonmez: Daughter, you need to take care of yourself and the baby. You can't be nervous and stressed. Come on, lie down and go to sleep. You need rest.

Kıvılcım: I have to go outside. I can't catch my breath.

Cimen: I will go with you.

Kıvılcım: No. I want to be alone.

She went to the garden. She stood and bent down, putting her hands on her knees. She cried all the time.

Kıvılcım: Omer, what did you do?!

Metehan decided to call his uncle to inform him of the situation. He wanted to help his father. Abdullah immediately notified his lawyer and went to the police station. Metehan also went there.

Abdullah: I'm Omer Ünal's brother. Tell me, what about him?

Policeman: He is being interrogated.

Abdullah: Why was he arrested?

Policeman: A complaint was filed against him for beating.

Abdullah: Beating? It is not possible.

Policeman: Please sit down. When the interrogation is over, we'll know if he's going to jail or is free.

Abdullah: I understand.

Interrogation room:

Policeman: What were you doing on the day of the incident?

Omer: My wife and I went to a charity ball.

Policeman: So you've seen Mr. Mehmet?

Omet: Yes, I saw him.

Policeman: Did you hit him?

Lawyer: You don't have to answer.

Omer: Yes, I hit him, but I had a reason.

Policeman: What? What could be the reason for beating a man to such a state?

Omer: He got close to my wife. He wouldn't let her move, and he kissed her.

Policeman: You confessed to the beating. Regardless of what you have done, you're not going to get away with it. You'll be in custody pending trial.

Omer: Trials? This is a misunderstanding. This man is mentally ill.

Policeman: The judge will decide about this. Take him away.

Two policemen grabbed him by the hand and led him out of the interrogation room.

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