Canyon moon

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Dreams. A confusing thing. Hayashi Sora's dreams started young. She dreamt of a day when she could play her music for all to hear. She dreamt of her mother and father. She dreamt of being out at sea for years and only coming back when people missed her so much they couldn't bare much more. She dreamt the day she would find her elder sister. She dreamt of the day when she wouldn't burn a loaf of bread.

That last one was more often than not. Many of the townsfolk did not like her because of stupidity. Although, many of the townsfolk didn't say any of this too her face. Because, well, she was weirdly good with a knife. Non wanted to test what other capabilities she possessed.

She would carve into the bread (burnt or not) beautiful designs. Fit for a king, or even a pirate Lord. She would earn a few berries by catching small animals and killing them for the butcher. She hated this because of the way they looked at her, so weak and innocent. Much like her.

She imagined how it would feel like for some person to come up to her a slit her throat just for a bit of berries.

She was barely payed for them anyways, 100. Not a lot to get by really. Working in the bakery she got 450 a week. Which might of seemed like a lot to the young girl when she started but it definitely wasn't seeing as a cabbage is worth almost 200.

Her job at the bakery started when her father died leaving her and her mother. Her sister, Amaya, had fled due to unknown reasons. Which caused pain to strike her family.

Anyways, her father passed leaving a sick mother and a child with no way of helping. During this time Sora would read to her mother, telling stories of past tales. Beasts, kingdoms, pirates, princesses, etc. Sora ended up picking up food from the dirty grounds and thieving. She wasn't a very good thief. She was far too soft.

A man, Harold, saw her picking scraps of food off the ground before skipping off. He realised she was clearly going to eat this horrid food. "You." He called out, his thick accent coming out strong, the tiny girl spun round with wide eyes.

"I didn't steal it." She shouted out fearfully.

"No, I know. Come here." He offered a gentle hand. The girl took it weakly. He brought her to a shop he was starting up, bringing her to the back and giving her a loaf of bread.

"What?" She said, seeing his offer. Her stomach growled with impatience. It clearly needed food.

"Take it." He said, pushing it towards her again.

"But I-I don't have anything to give." She said, her eyes never leaving the bread.

"You don't need to give me anything. It seems you simply need help and that's okay." He said, taking her tiny hands to put the loaf in. "Do you live alone?" He then asked.

"No. I live with my mama. She's not well. But as soon as she sees this she'll be well once more." The girl grinned, swinging her free arm back and forth.

"I tell you what. You bring your mama here and we'll make her much better. Don't worry, I have much food to spare." He smiled, his eyes saddened with the harsh truths of what the girl was facing.

"Oh, I will! I'll be right back! You promise she'll be good as new?" She jumped racing towards the door before asking her question.

"Yes, yes. Now go!" He said grinning.

Later that day~
"So you're the man my daughter talks of. So generous." Elisha said. Walking in with daughter and a graceful smile on her face.

"Yes." The man said, offering a seat for the ill fated woman.

"She is a sweet one. I do hope she didn't upset you." Elisha said, stroking her daughters bouncy curls from her face.

"No, mama!" The girl defended, sticking her tongue out. Elisha laughed pulling her daughters head towards hers to give a kiss on her head.

They had a feast. A feast compared to their standards. Many fruits, meat, and more was served. Quenching their everlasting hunger. Although the bakers promise to girl did not last, they were happy. If even for a moment, it was sweet.

Two years later~
"Mama." The girl ran to her mother, tears in her eyes.

"Sora." Harold said, trying to stop the girl from coming in.

"No, it's alright..." Elisha coughed out. "Let her in."

"Mama, what is happening? I thought you were better." Sora said, sitting on her mothers bed.

"It's this terrible winter." Elisha said, holding her daughters face. "I fear I will not make it." She wiped a falling tear. "Do not cry, my love, you have so much more to do."

"Mama, I will make you better. I will find Amaya and we will all be happy and together." Sora let out, tears making it hard to talk. Her heart felt heavy as it sunk further and further. She felt her mother disappear right before her eyes and it became harder to reach for her love.

"I'm sure you will. Tell Amaya I loved her." Her mother grinned. "Tell yourself I love you. I will be there on every step of the way." Her mother let go for a second reaching behind her neck to give Sora her necklace.

"Mama, I can't." Sora said, holding the dainty silver necklace in her hands.

"Yes, you can. You will." Elisha closed the girls hand around the ring. They both knew she wasn't just talking about keeping the necklace. Sora hugged her mother, refusing to let go. Refusing, even when her mothers coughs stopped. Refusing, when her breathing shallowed. Refusing, when Harold tried to get the girl off of her dead mother.

I've got to stop making books but like
Who's gonna stop me???
Anyways love Elisha
Top stan

Editing: I realised I accidentally changed the backstory randomly 🤨

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