Fighting family

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Nami and Sora sat on the steps, watching all the kids go by. They had matching dresses. Nami's in orange, Sora's in red.

The two watched everyone running around, smiles on their faces. Nami was keeping Sora from potentially collapsing and Sora was keeping Nami company.

"Ohh. Back for seconds. Must have liked it." Sanji joked to Zoro.

"It was okay." Zoro replied, pushing the plate towards Sanji.

"That plate says different." Sanji replied, about to grab the plate.

"Gotta keep my strength up, even with your cooking. It's the least you can do, considering I saved your ass from those fishmen." Zoro replied, looking anywhere but Sanji.

"What? I saved your arse." Sanji stopped piling the food on.

"You didn't even get your hands dirty." Zoro snapped.

"At least I don't need three swords to prove I'm a man." Sanji replied.

"Ladies. Ladies. Let's not fight, yeah?" Sora interrupted the two men. Grabbing the dish before Zoro could.

His eyes went from Sanji with a glare to following Sora's figure walking away. Not even caring she had stolen his food. Sanji just laughed, feeling all too familiar with the look in Zoro's eyes whilst he followed Sora.

"How are you?" Zoro asked, making her turn back to him.

"Good? Oh? Like physically, no. I've got a massive bruise on my ribs, but at least my stitches didn't rip." She thought to herself, before smiling at him. "What about you?" She poked his chest. He grunted. "Nevermind, I have my answer." She smiled.

He smiled down at her, grabbing the plate of food back. "Exactly. I need my strength back." She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Sure. Sure." She said, walking next to him towards the circle surrounding Usopp.

"But I knew I couldn't give up the fight, not with the fate of Coco Village at stake! So I pulled my trusty slingshot!" Usopp yelled, someone playing music behind his actions as if to make him appear more heroic.

Sora snuck away, borrowing the guitar from the man and waiting for Usopp to begin speaking once more. "And I fired on 'em till my fingers bled." A dramatic sound of the guitar being strum came out. Sora grinned, continuing steadily. "And I didn't stop h til I single-handed my defeated Arlong and his deadly crew. With a little help, of course. I mean, I guess I wasn't completely alone."

"Three cheers for Captain Usopp! We couldn't have done it without him!" Luffy screamed out joyously. "Whoo!" The villagers cheered. "Sora, how about a song?" He added.

The girl nodded, strumming the guitar. The last she had played had been back with Harold. He had told her off. The guitar was flimsy, this one was not. Yes, it was tattered in places but Sora believed that it sounded better when it was slightly worn and broken.

"Marines!" Someone shouted, ruining the villagers dance and cheers for Usopp. Sora passed the guitar back to the man, finding her friends. "Form lines!"

She stood next to Usopp as they both came from the same area, whilst their crew stood as one.

"So these are the Straw Hat Pirates. Huh." The admiral scoffed out. "Marines, arrest them." Sora's eyes widened, looking at the Marines surrounding them.

"Sir, the Straw Hats didn't destroy Coco Village. It was Arlong." Koby stood up for his friend.

"You have your orders, cadet." He replied, shooting a small glance at the boy.

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