I'm Sorry,I need to go.

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After fighting my stupid brain that was busy shutting down,I left the club and headed to my home.

I lived on the a hundredth floor of the penthouse. Not because I wanted to but because Ombra was in love with the place. I had offered it to him but she refused saying it didn't suit her. Now I was forced to live here so she can visit on a daily basis.

Most of her belongings we're here. With that it was only fair to say that she lived with me.

I woke up at exactly five for my daily workout routine. I ate a banana for energy pump. That was enough to take me through the two hours of super-intensive workout.

I got to the gym. My phone rung as I was warming up.

'why would Ombra call me at this moment.'

I flipped the phone without looking at the caller's ID.

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping or something?"

"Not really. I'm a morning person." The voice replied sounding amused.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at the screen.

A new number.

"Good morning Blackwood." He sounded happy.

"Good morning Graham." I put the phone on speaker and got on the treadmill.

"Glad to know you remember my name."

I don't reply to that. What was I supposed to say?

"Okay. I'll go straight to the point. I'd like to ask you out for a date."

Oh. I stopped at his words and almost fell as the treadmill was still in motion.

"Look Kevin,I'm pretty sure you've heard a lot about me being a good Dom and all that,but,I'm not looking for a submissive to sign a contract with right now. If you want a scene,we can schedule that but apart from that,I don't think anything else will do. Oh and you can also sign up for the submissive classes. That is if you'd like some training." I let out air through my mouth.

That was a whole lot of sentences especially if you are in the middle on an exercise. Doesn't matter if it's a light exercise.

I heard a chuckle from the other side." Oh Jake..."

"Are you new to this? It's seems like you are but you have no reason to worry. I can guide you through. That is if you'd like of course but..."

I was rambling. Why was I rambling?

He laughed this time round. "Slow down buddy."

I breathed in through my nose and let the air out through my mouth. I closed my eyes and focused.

"Good. That was great." He praised me.

"Where was I? Right– I'm not looking for a sub."

"As a Dom one of the things we don't do is make assumptions."

What does he mean with 'we'

"Sorry." The apology came off naturally.

It was not as if I never apologized. I did. But only after a long consideration about what I'd done wrong. Following a long plan on the exact place I'd say it. My apology usually came out as a me following a script.

"Its okay. Now,what do you say about that date?"


Was I really considering it?

I had made an assumption about him. I'll agree to the date as an apology.


"Perfect!" He chirped. "I'll pick you up at eleven."

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