8 : Loots

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Grey Vritra

I'm now inside Taegrin Caelum, Agrona's Castle walking to the tyrant's office. Seris said to me yesterday that Agrona requested me to come here because my dimension ring and something important he'll tell me about later.

“That guy really knows how to make me impatient huh."

Walking to his office in this long, wide hallway, I thought about the things that happened just this few weeks after I woke up from my deep slumber. First I talked with Agrona and knew the truth behind everything. I then reunited with Sylvia after Agrona told me she's alive. I got kicked out of the castle and had to live with an old woman. I met my first friend here who I thought at first is someone who is mean but surprisingly is quite likeable and adorable.

Arriving in front of Agrona's office I didn't knock the door and opened it without permission. I opened the door and saw Agrona on his chair. His head slumped back and a book covering his face. Probably noticing me he gently grabbed the book on his face, closed it and put it on top of his desk.

“Welcome back Grey, you arrived earlier than I thought." Agrona said with his usual smooth chilly voice.

He stood up and walked in front of me. He is just a few inches taller than me well, not counting the horns. The man knowing that I have something to say just stood there in front of me smirking annoyingly.

“Why did you call me here." I asked looking at his eyes

“Dimension ring" He replied smirking much more wider probably just to annoy me

“Just tell me what it is." I said with an annoyed voice.

“kukuku I also said that I'll tell you later."

“That later is now." I said my eyes flickering because of annoyance.

“Okay okay, follow me. You better not lose track of me again." Agrona said and eventually he again disappeared without me noticing.

“I can't understand how is he doing that I can't sense any mana. Is it a Vritra mana arts?"

I thought and walked faster to catch up to him.

“Agrona, what did you just do?" I ask him adjusting my walking oace as I just caught up to him.

“Mirage walk, Mana arts of the Pantheons. I tortured one here so he can tell me how." Agrona answered like it's just some normal thing to do.

“Can you tell me how it works?" I asked eagerly now intrigued by the technique.

“No, torture a Pantheon if you wanna know." He replied and chuckled

“I can't bel-"

“You need to balance your mana output and intake to hide your presence." Agrona cut me off annoying me again

“Yeah this guy just really wants to annoy me."

So basically mirage walk is balancing your mana output and intake. So you absorb and expel the same amount of mana at the same time. Sounds easy but is it easy to do? no not at all. I can't even control how much mana I absorbed with mana rotation.

“Any other questions?" Agrona asked looking ahead of the path we're taking.

“Can I go to school?" I simply asked the leader of this continent if it's okay if I go to school. What am I even thinking.

“Yeah? I see no problem of you going into a school." He replied still walking we're walking for atleast a few minutes now. Just how far are we suppose to walk.

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