28 : Wandering around

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I'm back all I could say is that I'm alive and I can't believe I still have a fold. Btw I'm writing this as I'm cooking my dinner. I'll probably finish this at midnight -,-

Walking around Zestier, I encountered someone who I'm speculating to be a Lance. I said that in front of his face to confirm it and it seems that I'm correct.

Zestier hits me the most nostalgia as this is where I spent my childhood and grew up. This place basically has a part in my life and affected my life in so many ways. This place is really the best in Dicathen in my opinion. Well not that I care about it anymore.

Passing through the crowd, I made my way to where the Lances came from, hoping that it leads me to a teleportation gate and fortunately it did.

Being careful not to expose my face, I eclipse stepped straight to the portal. Even though no one will recognize me because I grew up and now have a different hair and eye color, it's still better to be safe than nothing.

I hate the fact that I would rather use a tempus warp rather than this primitive piece of crap. The thing I hated the most is now not my most hated thing. Tempus warp works for a few seconds but this just takes forever.

Finally exiting that hell hole, the familiar scenery welcomed me. Xyrus changed quite a bit but its layout looked the same.

“You! Take off your hood and tell me what's your purpose in visiting Xyrus?"

A guard with a spear in a metal armor stopped me. I should say that I'm disappointed in how he acted. Your continent is at war and all you do is ask for someone's purpose? He didn't even ask for my name. sigh This continent really doesn't learn.

I brought the hood down and looked straight at the soldier. His reaction is strange as he has a face full of contradiction and confusion.

“E-ehem can I ask what your purpose is here in Xyrus?"

He said with a completely different attitude than before. His arrogant rough attitude changed into a flustered and nervous one.

“My purpose? Hmm...”

I smirked at him and saw his face contorted into a much confused one.

“My purpose is to return, have fun and to let everyone here know that I'm finally back."

The soldier froze up and nodded a little signalling that it's okay for me to go now.

“Have fun at Xyrus s-sir? Please enjoy. Damn I thought it was a girl. Appearance really can be deceiving."

Strolling around Xyrus, I walked past some familiar buildings. The adventurer's guild, the square plaza where the Lance's are introduced and some shops I used to visit.

I entered one of the shops and bought some clothes as clothes in Alacrya look so much better than here. Now that I think about it, Alacrya is far more advanced than Dicathen.

Finishing my purchase, I thanked the merchant and exited the store. I paid 18 gold for 4 pairs of clothing and 2 pairs of boots. It's a bit expensive but it's the highest quality in Dicathen standard so this will do.

I made a detour and went into a small alley where I found a beggar. I made my way to him and stood in front of him. He looked up to me who was looking down on him and panic took over his body. He tried to run but I kicked the wall near his head to stop him.

The beggar who looked old with his beard reaching his chest froze up and slowly looked at me.

“P-please don't kill me I will pay! I will do anythi-

I stabbed his head with the artifact and applied mana into it making it glow white. Information flooded my brain and the artifact stopped glowing as I got the information I needed.

TBATE - Corrupted BlessingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon