24 : Suffer

709 42 12

Grey Vritra

'Darkness, all i can see is darkness. Wait? Did I die again?' I noticed that even though I'm unable to see anything, I can still feel my surroundings. This place gives an eerie, uncanny atmosphere that even I can't understand what to even feel about this place.

'This place is bad news, I need to get up'

Without the sense of sight, my brain didn't function well for a few seconds. I didn't even notice that I was already standing up the moment I woke up here.

‘I need to get out of this place immediately'

You can't."

I instinctively snapped my head towards the voice. Even though I expected to see nothing, a man with a tall figure stood a fair distance away from me. He has a white mid length hair and blood red eyes. His skin is nearly as pale as ash. And onyx black horn protrudes on the side of his head. ‘Those horns, they're the same as mine.'

“You are correct, these horns are the same as yours. The same could be said for your body." Just his voice makes every hair on my body stand up.

‘How can you read my mind?'

“It's simply because I exist in your consciousness. This place is your consciousness."

“Then why am I here?

“That's not the right question."

“Then why are you here?"

“This may be your consciousness but this is my body. So you are the one intruding here. "

“Some part of your body is here but mostly all of it belongs to me."

“Hoh? How can you be sure of that? Do you want to know how much of this body is mine?"

What he said makes sense. 'I don't really know how much of my original body remains here and Agrona didn't tell me specifically what I really am.'

“You are a wraith, a type of ancient Vritra who is born and made solely for war."

“That is not who I am."

“Before this life? Maybe. Back there? No. Right now? Not enough."

Is he saying that me in Dicathen is not fit for war? How delusional, from birth up to the last second of me on that continent I am the most capable to wage war out of all the people there. I've been at war for half of all the lifetimes I lived and he's just saying that I'm not fit for it?

“As I said you're not." The man said and appeared in front of me punching me in the stomach.

I prepared myself to land on my feet and moved to put my center of gravity on my right foot but I didn't flew away. I looked down on my stomach and saw his fist piercing my body.

I tried to remove it but he immediately pulled it out and slapped me on my head making me tumbling to the side. I recovered hastily and as I looked up, a foot was already coming to my head.

squish! splat!

I woke up with darkness greeting my eyes. I just died, but I'm here again. I tried to stand up but I realized that I'm already standing on my feet. I looked around and got greeted by a punch on my face.

'shit this guy is here again.'

“Of course I would be here." He said, walking slowly towards me. “This is my body after all!” He charged at me with a face full of animosity and joy. Yet even with those expressions on him, he didn't emit a single bloodlust or any other intent.

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