• Nameless Feelings •

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If nothing in this world is permanent as they say,
Why do I see forever in your eyes?




Waniya's voice was what snapped her out of her trance making her immediately halt in her steps.

The realization dawned in the other second that she had already taken two steps in his direction and that too infront of the crowd of spectators with their gazes oh so curiously and astounded-ly set on them.
The realization couldn't help but make her feel embarrassed to her core.
The hues slowly scattering across the creamy skin of her soft cheeks.

Why was she so thoughtless and reckless earlier?
Why didn't she give a single thought to what she was doing, what her feet were doing?
Why did it feel so easy to take steps towards his direction?

Gulping softly, she swept her reluctant and slightly scared orbs across the chilly air until the light coloured honey cups of hers caressed his aristocratic features again.
The eyes of hers, even from this far, getting stuck in between the thick arched brows of his, getting lost in those ferocious orbs of his and getting entangled in the luscious sweep of his raven eyelashes.

Shanzay never knew just a mere sight of someone could give anyone a shortage of breath.

She suddenly felt it difficult to inhale and pump oxygen in her body.

Confusion shone in his inky irises as the tall muscular frame of his stood there basking under the attention of nearly all the crowded lot.
His face expressionless, almost blank, not giving away anything to what he was feeling at the moment, but the orbs of his stayed glued to her frame, not letting her go for even a mere second, like the moon following the wanderer in the middle of night,
Stalking their each step.
Following their every movement.


Ayat's voice echoed this time breaking her trance, pulling her out from the petrification, making her take in a shaky inhale as she reluctantly withdrew her gaze from his figure, lowering her pristine lashes like the wings of the bird lifelessly fluttering down, as she turned on her heels facing the group of her friends with slight hesitance like a deer who hadbeen caught in headlights.

She raised her orbs, gazing back at them with slight awkwardness.

She really didn't expect anything to happen this way.
She really didn't want everything to be revealed to them this suddenly and unexpectedly.
This situation was not something she had ever wanted.

She really didn't want to make them feel as if she was hiding such an important matter from them, that she didn't deem them worthy and important enough to tell them anything.
To discuss everything.

They hadbeen her best friends, her companions through thick and thin.
Her support systems and cheerleaders whenever she faced a hurdle, a difficulty or a grievance in her life.

They were people who never abandoned her, never judged her and never made her feel as if she was alone.
They were always there when she needed them.
They were there when she was alone.
They were also there when she was surrounded by masses.

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