Girl Of Steel

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"Wouldn't it be four first years?" Y/N asks Gojo as the two of them walk through the crowded city.

"Well, I will be teaching you like a student despite your age, however you're labeled as an intern for legal and liability reasons." He replies in a nonchalant manner.

Why was this dude such a slow walker!?

Both Y/N and Gojo were a bit late since the two of you were supposed to meet up with both Itadori and Fushiguro almost ten minutes ago. She didn't want to rush Gojo but she never liked being late.

"Will I be getting paid?"

"... No." Gojo comments, almost laughing at the question. Why would she be getting paid for her time when she was like, only eighteen? He was like, twenty seven. Then again, Gojo was a bit worried that this topic would come up due to what she had done earlier to the principal's building.

"Will I at least be getting compensation for the hours I'm missing from my internship?"

"Jeez, you pester too much." Gojo calmly replies, waving his hand dismissively.

"Am I getting compensation?" Y/N darkly questions again, already deciding in her mind that if she doesn't, she'll dip and go to work. She still had that hospital bill to pay.

"Why don't we talk about this later in an office setting?" Gojo quickly offered, hoping that she would drop the topic for now since it was kinda scary how she was acting.

"... Fine." Was all Y/N said as she sighed, noticing both Fushiguro and Itadori and started running to catch up with them.

"Where'd you get the popsicle?" Y/N asks Yuji as she leans against the metal railing next to him. 

She may have not shown it, but she really was surprised at how big this public area was.

"Just... Bought it, Oh! Here, I got you a little lemon cake!" Yuji yells, handing Y/N the little box before earning a smack upside the head from Fushiguro for whatever he said.

"Oh yeah, both of us got it!" Yuji corrects as he rubs his head and sucks on his popsicle.

He must be the abusive friend in a relationship. She would have to watch out for that.

"Thanks." Y/N cheerfully replied, opening the small box to smell the lemon cake before closing it and putting it in her tote bag. Hopefully she would be able to eat it soon.

"So, how come there are only three first years? That's practically nothing." Yuji asks, completely ignoring the fact that his head previously got assaulted for an unknown reason.

"Think about it, can you honestly say that you've met someone else who sees curses?"

That... Is actually a really good point. Most people wouldn't be able to see any of Fushiguro's demon dogs or any type of curse, especially in a place like this.

"Huh... Guess not." 

"Because, Jujutsu sorcerers are rare." Fushiguro adds, keeping his face unchanged by the conversation topic even though he felt was rather undeserving of his attention.

"Didn't you say I was the third first year?" Yuji questions, gaining a tick mark from Fushiguro's forehead. He really didn't want to be explaining all of this to Yuji.

"The other admission was decided a while ago, You know what are school's like, Everyone has... Unique circumstances."

"Sorry for the wait! Oh, your uniform made it in time." Gojo yells, waving at the three that were standing  next to each other.

Y/N had to refrain from scoffing at how slow he was, it took him like a whole minute to join them and it only took her a quick jog.

Y/N turns to look at Yuji's uniform to see that it looked almost like Fushiguro's except that it had a red colored hood. That was pretty cool. Y/N wondered if she would be getting a school uniform.

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