Assault II, I'd Rather Not

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"What the hell is this? How come I'm not sinking!? Gojo, I was at the school just ten seconds ago right? What's going on here?" Yuji questions, not gaining a real response.

Y/N actually wanted to die at this moment, cause she was certain that she was dreaming, there was no other explanation right?

"Oh, I warped us."

"Why? I don't understand... I need a psychiatrist." Y/N murmurs to herself, contemplating the life choices that led her here.

She wasn't even scared anymore, she was just confused about what type of fever she had that might cause her seeing Yuji in her dreams.

"What'd you bring the kid for? A shield?" Jogo asks, Y/N paying attention to what he was saying. She was still a bit confused as to why this dude even attacked them to begin with. Not only that, he already said that the kid was watching as a learning experience.

She needed some pills to stop these strange, reoccurring, demonic curse nightmares cause this was too much.

"A shield? No, no, I already explained this. He's just here to watch, you see, I'm in the midst of teaching him a lot of things, so forget about him and let's just fight." Gojo states.

"Having him tag along like the girl isn't gonna slow you down? It makes you look like an idiot."

Ouch. On Y/N's behalf. Why would he say something like that about her?

"Oh! No, it'll all be fine. I mean really, you're kinda weak."

Double ouch on Jogo's behalf, that wasn't even a regular insult, that was a combo attack. Y/N couldn't even begin to understand how this guy was weak. Like how? He had lava, purple power blasts and bug powers and they were all freaking strong.

This offended him so much, that there was lava that suddenly shot out of his head, from the sides and the top that made him look like an actual volcano. Hopefully Y/N sudden cockiness wouldn't get her killed just yet, she still wanted to sleep.

"Oh don't tell me he hurt your pride?" Y/N quietly chuckled, gaining the nastiest eye contact from the curse that could have killed her. She was glad this was a dream, otherwise she might actually cry again.


Y/N wants to laugh at first, but then more lava blasts out of his head and now Y/N's a bit worried since the force is pushing a bunch of water on them.

"You'll be fine, just stay here close to me." Gojo states, placing his hand on the guy that looked like Yuji.

Y/N was still sure that if this was in fact, not a dream that Gojo was seriously pulling her sanity strings and if he ever asked her to get him some coffee, she was gonna add nail polish to it just for this moment.

"Domain expansion," The curse starts, making a sign with his hands and enveloping all of them in a sudden darkness. Almost like he activated a shield around all of them or something.

"Uh, no he didn't." Y/N groans, scooting just a tab bit closer to Gojo. What in the world would this dude's domain expansion look like?

Suddenly the floor is cracking, as if they weren't in a pond before. The next moment, there's rock everywhere and the worst part is that it's flowing with lava.

"WHY?!" Y/N yells, subconsciously trying to hold onto Gojo. She was trying to mentally prepare herself to play the floor is lava or something stupid like that.

"Woah, what is this?! Damn!" Yuji adds on, also standing closer to Gojo.


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