Curse Womb Must Die II, Why?

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"Be careful, I'll put up my veil."

Yeah, Y/N will be careful and thankfully she wasn't feeling like she was going to throw up.

However she's not sure she could actually feel her feet moving anymore. No one though she was actually afraid, after all she shouldn't be, she's literally the oldest.

In reality, only Nobara assumed that she was okay, Fushiguro and Yuji already knew how she felt and how she would probably react.

She felt like she was about to croak and die just from the stress.

"Huh?" Yuji starts, getting Y/N's attention whilst looking up.

"Huh what?"

"Day's turning into night!"

"How's that poss- Oh you're right!" Y/N replies, looking up with Yuji towards the thing that Ijichi called a veil.

"That's part of the veil since there's a residential area nearby, we use it to conceal us from those outside." Fushiguro sighs out.

"Awesome!" Yuji and Y/N collectively yell.


"Nobara, what?" Y/N starts, feeling violated when Nobara responded that way.

"What? I may be nice to you but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna call you out for your stupidity." Nobara shrugs.

"Ow." Y/N groans, holding her chest whilst hugging Yuji in an overly dramatic way.

Although she was right, Y/N was just hurt by it.

"Demon dogs."

Suddenly, black shadow emits itself from the ground before coming up and forming the white dog that she saw earlier.

"He'll let us know if the curse gets close." Fushiguro informs, clearly not wanting to waste any time with this.

"Aw, good boy buddy, what a good boy! Y'know were all counting on you."

"I'm sure he knows Itadori." Y/N chuckles out before suddenly getting a head pat from Nobara.

"Good girl."

Why did that sound so nice yet so derogatory? Like, it was sweet, she had never been called a good girl before but she wasn't a dog either?

"... Okay." Was all Y/N replied with, gaining the same head pat from Yuji but not getting a good girl.

Good... At least she thinks, she's not sure.

"Let's go." Fushiguro starts, everyone huddling up next to him as he opens the door to the prison compound. This was gonna suck.

As the four of them entered, they sped up a bit, hoping to get this done already but only to stop a few feet later.

"Hold up!" Fushiguro yells, stopping the company so they could see what was ahead of them.

What even happened? It didn't look like any normal prison compound, it looked more like something you would see in that movie robots where they had some furnace city underground where they recycled old robots.

Y'all remember that movie?

"What the hell is this?!" Nobara yells, glaring at the puzzled formation of the bent up metal.

"What's going on here? I thought this was only a two story building, isn't it?"

Y/N had already started backing away where the door would be.

Guess cowards are just rewarded with more fear, 'cause as far as Y/N's concerned, there was supposed to be a damn door where they entered, and now there's not!

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