After Rain

677 39 16

"Yo, the two of you are late. Where have you been?"


She still can't get over this guy listing off food ingredients.

"And what does it matter to you? I- Ow." Fushiguro starts, getting elbowed by Y/N in the process for being rude about his answer.

"Sorry Zenin." Y/N replied to Maki, giving Fushiguro a glare before walking over in just her everyday lazy sweatpants and Tshirt.

"Don't call me that."

"Oh right, Maki."

Maki just nodded, acknowledging her apology. Y/N's not sure what her preference with her first name is about but she doesn't mind much.

She walked over to the track where both Nobara and Panda were training. Nobara for some reason seems to care very much about her styling attire for exercise, although Y/N isn't too surprised, she just seems like that girl.

"Alright, let's try something new!" Panda yells out, waving Y/N closer until he suddenly grabs Nobara by the waist and starts swinging her around.

"Something new?! This sucks!" Nobara yells, trying to keep her school jacket on since it kept falling off from how fast she was being swung around.

"Am I doing that next?" Y/N hesitantly asks Panda, already regretting showing up if this was supposed to be some sort of Jujutsu workout.


Well at least she wasn't fighting a curse.

"Answer me something." Fushiguro tells Maki.


"As a sorcerer, what kind of people do you want to save?"

"Huh? What difference should it make to me whether my actions save anyone at all?"

"I knew I shouldn't have asked you."

"Say what?!"

"Fushiguro! Quit asking interview prep questions and come switch places with me! I'm so totally sick of these school uniforms! Let me go buy some cute track suits for this event!" Nobara yells.

Guess she was done with Fushiguro slacking off with Maki.

Panda continues to spin her a few times more before letting her go and just letting her fall on her face. Ouch, that's gonna hurt.

But Y/N was pretty flexible and fast, and in middle school she joined a parkour club so maybe she'll be okay and land well.

"What the hell are they doing?" Fushiguro grumbles, being his normal stoic and emo self.

"Falling practice." Panda replies.

"Mustard leaf."

Why does he keep doing that? Talking in food doesn't seem like a reasonable concept when everyone else spoke normally.

Maybe it was some secret code that everyone else knew but her.

"You're all pretty weak in close quarters, if you were all to fight us Y/N would probably be the only one to actually get a hit and even that's a slim estimation." Panda adds on, grabbing Y/N by the waist.

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