Chapter Seven

616 21 3

9th month

Sky's pov:

My eyes snap open as pain shoots through my body. Slowly I sit up and push the blankets away trying not to wake Enzo up. I stand up, grabbing the night stand as another sharp pain rips through me.


I suck in a breath, trying to hold back a groan. Slowly I walk into the bathroom one hand on my stomach as I use my other to help hold me up. I switch the light to the bathroom on and make my way towards the sink.

I take a deep breath and I hold onto the counter. Probably just braxton hick contractions. I push away from the counter taking a deep breath. Just braxton h- I freeze when I feel a liquid running down the side of my legs.

Nope not braxton hicks

"Enzo!" I shout holding back another groan. Slowly I walk towards the bedroom.  Freezing in the door way as another contraction hits. "Enzo!" I whisper my eyes shutting tight as I take deep breaths. The pain subsides and I make my way towards his side of the bed.

"Baby" I whisper placing my hand on his shoulder and shaking him slightly. He jolts awake his hand reaching for the gun on the nightstand. "Enzo" I whisper and he pauses.

"Amore? What are you doing awake?" He asks turning the light on and sitting up. Another contraction starts and I shut my eyes, my grip tightening on Enzo's shoulder. "Amore?" He asks a hint of panic in his voice.  I open my eyes, "My waters broke" I whisper watching as his eyes widen slightly.

"Shit" he mumbles throwing the blankets off and rising from the bed. I step back, as another contraction starts my hand flying out to grip his arm.

I hope this baby comes fast, I can't do another 12 hours of labour like I did with Keith

His hand grabs my arm, his other hand moving to my side. "Do we have everything packed?" I ask looking up at him. "Yes and I had Carter put the bag in the car weeks ago" Lorenzo says helping me move away from the bed.

"Wait, I need a shower and change" I tell him, stopping just at the foot of the bed. "Amore" Lorenzo says looking down at me. "Please, the water will help with the pain and if this baby is anything like Keith, we still have another 12 hours before they make their arrival" I explain, and his eyes widen.

"12 hours?" He asks and I nod. "How did I not know this information before" he mumbles and I shrug, closing my eyes as another contraction starts. Lorenzo's grip tightens slightly, and it takes me a moment to realise he's leading me towards the bathroom.

"I'll be back in a moment, I'll go let Sarah know" Lorenzo says, switching the light on before slowly letting me go. "Will you be okay?" He asks hesitant to leave the bathroom. "I'll be fine" I tell him, waving my hand to tell him to go.

He hesitates but leaves, the bathroom door closing behind him. I fucking love Sarah, she's been staying with us for the past month, so that way she's here for the moment I go into labour to look after the boys.

Walking over to the shower I turn it on, throwing my clothes in the hamper. I step in and instantly the pain eases as the water runs down my body. The door opens and Enzo walks in, a pair of fresh clothes in his hand.

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