Chapter Eleven

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TW: slight mentions of Abuse and Rape
5 weeks old

Sky's  pov:

Gabby rests in my arm, a blanket resting over my shoulder as she feeds. Enzo's been out all day dealing with things in the mafia.

I miss him

Sighing, I turn. "Here you go" I say as I pass a cup of juice to Keith. His eyes lighten up as he gently takes the cup from my hand. "Thank you" he says before taking a sip. He hums before turning and walking out of the kitchen.

"I'm going out" Brody calls from the foyer and I shake my head. "Where?" I shout back, but the door closes before I can even finish the word. For fuck sakes.

"Want us to stop him Mrs Salvator?" George asks from the kitchen doorway. I shake my head, "it's fine" I reply and he nods. Looking down, I take a peek under the blanket.

Still going

Fixing the blanket, I exit the kitchen. My arm starting to fall asleep from holding Gabby for so long. I head towards the steps, my foot landing on the first one when suddenly the door flies open.

My gaze shoots to the door and I freeze when I see Enzo's parents standing there. Fuck me. Taking a step back, I turn towards them. Noticing the disgust looks on their faces when their eyes find me.

Fuck you too arseholes

Their eyes land on the blanket and somehow their faces twist in even more disgust. "I can't believe you walk around like that" his mother mumbles and my browns tug in confusion. "What? Feeding my daughter" I say watching as their attention turns back to me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, walking into the middle of the foyer. "Here for our son" his father replies and I almost flinch at the tone. "He's not here" I reply, matching his tone. "It's fine, we'll stay" his mother says making her way to the living room.

"Fantastic" I mumble sarcastically before turning to Carter. Carter was assigned as my personal guard after Tony. "Call Lorenzo and tell him to get his ass home asap" I say before walking upstairs to Gabriella's nursery.

She finishes feeding on the way up to the nursery so all I have to do is burp her and change her diaper. Once I've finished both I rock her to sleep and place her in her crib.

Now time to deal with them. I roll my eyes and exit the room, softly closing the door slightly. The two guards moving to stand infront of the door. I give them a quick smile before heading downstairs.

Their voices fill the quiet space of the living room. "I can't believe she had a child that young" his mother's voice is the first I hear clearly. My brows furrow and I stop outside the living room out of sight.

"Claiming it was rape" a scoff leaves his father "please. Probably just a cover up story" he finishes and my heart clenches.

"You litte slut" my dad growls as his foot connects with my side. I groan my hand flying to my ribs.

"Bastered child" his mother mumbles and my fist clench's. Without even thinking I enter the living room. My eyes find Keith and my blood boils even more, they were talking with him in the room. Yes he might not understand everything they are saying but that's beside the point.

I walk over and pick him up. Their eyes following every movement. "You don't belong here" his father says and I look towards him. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, speaking to my wife like that" Lorenzo's voice fills the room and our eyes snap to the entrance.

He makes his way towards me, his arms snaking around my waist once he reaches me. "Just speaking the truth son" his father says unfazed. "You have 2 seconds to tell me what the fuck your doing here" Lorenzo warns holding me tighter.

"Just wanted to see our son" his mother says rising from the couch. "Cazzate" I mumble and both their eyes snap to me. "I can't believe you allowed these people into the family" his dad says standing beside his wife. [Translate: bullshit]

Enzo's arm slips from around my waist and he takes a step forward. "Get out" he demands but they don't move. "Get out before I have them drag you out" he warns and they both scoff before making their way towards the exit.

Enzo turns back to me and I slowly turn my gaze to him. Instantly my anger eases and so does his. "Are you okay?" He asks, walking back towards me. I nod, and place Keith down.

"Did they say anything to you?" He asks placing his hands on my shoulders. I shake my head, "not to my face" I reply locking eyes with him. "What did you hear?" He asks on a sigh.

"Nothing I haven't heard before" I reply with a small smile. He returns it before pulling me him.

Nothing I haven't heard before....

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