Chapter Fifteen

393 13 4

7 months old

Sky's pov:

"Mummy look" Keith says holding up his drawing. "Thats beautiful baby" I say, smiling towards him. He smiles back, placing the paper down and continuing to scribble on it. I look down, watching as Gabby does the same on her paper.

My lap is covered in crayons, most of them snapped in half due to Gabby pressing too hard. She squeals as another crayon drops. Picking it up I place it back on coffee table.

A hand lands on my shoulder and I look up, surprised to see Enzo standing there. When did he get home? He slowly sits down, his arm wrapping around my waist. His eyes land on my lap and a smile tugs at his lips.

"You got a little something-" he says his other hand reaching for a blue crayon. I let out a small laugh, "I believe that's from Gabby's second picture" I say as he places it on the coffee table.

"And what one is this?" He asks point to her current one. "Fifth?" I reply a slight question to my tone. He laughs turning his attention to Keith. "And what are you drawing buddy?" He asks and Keith looks up.

Smiling he grabs the paper and rounds the table before sliding into Enzo's lap. He begins explaining what the drawing is just as Brody walks in. "Can I go to a friend's place?" He asks, his eyes set on me.

"Oh so now you're asking" I reply, looking up at him.  "You know what fuck you" he spits, walking away. Enzo stands immediately after, Keith now returning to his spot at the end of the table. Enzo heads for the exit no doubt about to go off at Brody. "Leave it. He's Tony's problem" I say reaching for his hand. He looks down at me and I nod.

He sighs and takes his place beside me. I don't know what has gotten into Brody but he's been a real fucking pain in my ass. Grabbing my phone I shoot Tony a quick text, the thirteenth one this week telling him to sort out our brother.

His reply is instant. "Fuck sake, I'll be there soon" it reads. Smiling I place my phone back on the table before sliding Gabby onto Enzo's lap. "I need to stand before my legs cramp up" I say, using his shoulder to push myself.

He stares at Gabby, his eyes filled with so much love. "Want a drink?" I ask looking down at him. "I'm good" he says glancing at me before turning back to Gabby.  She drops a crayon, and it lands in his lap.

I laugh, "you got a little something-" I say gesturing to his lap. He laughs removing the crayon from his lap. I laugh and head for the kitchen.

I grab a cup and fill it with water, hands wrap around my waist as the cup hits my lips. I smile amongst the rim of the cup, my head falling to rest on his shoulder.

His hot breath fans down my shoulder seconds later, his nose brushing against my neck. "I love you" I whisper turning my head slightly. "I love you more Amore" he whispers placing a kiss to my neck.

A small moan slips past my lips,and I feel him smirk against my skin. Slowly he plants another kiss, then another and another. His lips work at my neck, moans slipping from my lips.

"MUMMY" Keith shouts, freezing us both. Enzo's hands fall from my waist and I move around him, running towards the living room. Enzo's not far behind me, we both freeze when we see Gabby on all fours crawling.

"Oh my god" I whisper my hand finding Enzo's. We watch as she crawls her way over to the couch. Keith walks over to her, his little arms wrapping her in a hug.

"Oh my god" I say again, my heart warming. Enzo's arms wrap around my waist once again, "your crying Amore" he whispers in my ear.

Am I?

"Shit" I mumble, wiping under my eyes, before walking over towards my beautiful kids. I squat down, and pull them both into me hugging them tight. I place a kiss to each of their cheeks.

I fucking love my family


A/n: sorry for the short chapter and late update

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