Chapter Four

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6th month

Lorenzo's pov:

"Feel that?" Sky asks as Keith holds his hand on her stomach. His little face lighting up every time he feels a kick. He looks up, his eyes landing on me. "Daddy" he squeals as he runs towards me arms open.

I squat down, catching him in my arms as he wraps his around my neck. Sky comes up behind him, and I look up at her. Fuck she looks beautiful. Keith breaks the hug and runs over to the couch.

Sky smiles and I pull her in, kissing her. We break the kiss and I look down at her swollen stomach before placing my hand there. "She's been kicking a lot today" She says placing her hand on mine. "She?" I ask looking back at her face.

She shrugs, "feels like a she" she replies smiling. We both decided to wait til birth to find out the gender, so we have decorated the nursery in mutual colours.

The baby kicks, causing me to look back towards her stomach. "Oh I need to show you something" she says suddenly all excited.

She grabs my hand and leads me upstairs. We stop at the top of the stairs, Sky needing to catch her breath. "We should get an elevator" she mumbles before continuing to lead me wherever.

We stop outside the nursery and she opens the door. I look around. Nothing seems different, she leads me to the middle before letting go of my hand.

She walks over to the wardrobe and opens one of the doors. She pulls out a shopping bag and places it on the floor in-front of me before digging through it.

She pulls the first thing out, she unfolds it and shows a teddy bear onesie. One by one she shows me all the clothes she brought, a huge smile on her face as she shows them off.

She holds out the last one, "So, what do you think?" She asks, a hint of nervousness seeping through. "I love them" I say with a smile. She drops the onesie she's holding and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her temple.


"Sky have you seen my phone?" Brody asks walking into the kitchen, "um I don't believe I have" Sky replies turning to face him. He looks at me, "have you seen it?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I have not" I reply placing my hands on sky's hips and moving her to the side to get pass. She looks at me before looking back at Brody.

"Where did you leave it?" she asks, "down here" he says and Sky shakes her head. "Keith probably got to it" she mumbles walking over to Brody. They both exit the kitchen.

I finish placing the plates away, Sky has a tendency to still do household chores although I've told her many times there's no need as we have maids to do it. She never listens.

A tugging at my pants catches my attention, I look down and see Keith looking up at me, his eyes filled with excitement. "What's wrong buddy?" I ask, squatting down. He brings his hand out from behind his back and surely enough he's got Brody's phone.

"Brody's looking for that" I tell him and he laughs. "Mine" he says pulling it back towards him. Footsteps approach and Sky comes up behind him. "Can I have that please?" She asks looking down at him.

He turns around and looks up at her. "No" he laughs taking a step back and hitting my knee. "Please?" She asks squatting down. Her hand remains on the counter, making sure she doesn't fall over. "No" he says again. "If you pass me Brody's phone I'll give you mine" she says and he immediately passes it back.

She passes him hers and he runs out the kitchen, laughing. "Can get him his own" I say standing up. "He's 4" she states looking up at me. "So?" I ask, she reaches her hand out indicating she needs help getting up. I grab it and help her up, "he's not getting a phone" she says straightening out her dress.

"We will see about that" I say smirking. She shoots me a glare, "He's. Not. Getting. A. Phone" she states and I throw my hands up in surrender, before walking over and wrapping my hand around her waist.

I pull her close and crash our lips together. She kisses me back, her hands gripping my shirt. "Your hot when you act all bossy" I murmur and she just smiles. "Can say the same for you" she says a smirk tugging at her lips.  "I love you" she whispers, "I love you too" I whisper before kissing her again.

A/N: I have no idea where I was going with this chapter

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