Chapter Thirteen

499 14 3

6 months old

Sky's pov:

"Hey beautiful" I whisper, picking Gabby up from her crib. She smiles, her arms flaying at her sides. "Let's go see Daddy" I whisper placing a kiss to her forehead. It's the crack of dawn and Enzo's still asleep.

He got in late last night after dealing with a problem that occurred within our mafia. One of our men have been spilling information to the Police and to say Lorenzo was pissed is an understatement.

I'm trying my best to run the mafia along side him but although my dad was a boss, I wasn't involved in this lifestyle. I had a somewhat "normal" lifestyle, going to public schools, going to parties and hanging out with friends on the weekend. Fuck even being cheer caption.

Walking out of the nursery I head for our bedroom, "mamma" Keith mumbles and I turn to the door on my left. "Hey buddy, your up early" I whisper, watching as he rubs his eyes. "Want to come wake up daddy?" I ask and he nods.

He trails alongside me, his hand resting in mine. We reach the door and Keith opens it. We approach the bed and I place Gabby down on Enzo. Holding her as she sits on his side. Keith climbs up and and wraps his arms around Enzo.

He stirs, slowly rolling onto his back and his eyes open. Although he's tired, I'd never hear the end of it if I let him sleep in, Enzo likes to be awake before the sun has even risen.

A small smile creeps up on his face his arm wrapping around both kids. "Hey" he whispers his voice drunk with sleep. Gabby squeals realising her daddy is awake and practically throws herself at him.

Such a daddy's girl

Enzo chuckles and places a kiss to her forehead. "Morning Principessa" he whispers before turning to Keith. "Your awake early buddy" he mumbles pulling Keith in for a hug.

Keith's like me, loves to sleep in and Gabby is like her daddy, loves waking up early. I crawl into bed beside them, pulling the blanket over my lap. The arms wrapped around Keith reaches out for me.

I move forward and he pulls me, hugging the three of us to him. After a couple minutes I pull away, "Okay let's let daddy get ready while we have some breakfast" I announce and Keith pulls away and runs out the room.

Okay then

Gently I pick up Gabby and place a kiss to Enzo's lips. He kisses me back before watching as I move off the bed and walk out the room. I head downstairs,


Finally it's nap time, both Keith and Gabby are asleep. Stepping off the last step I head towards Enzo's office. His been in there all day, trying to clean up the mess that was caused.

Knocking I peak my head in, Enzo doesn't look up from his work. Slowly I squeeze through the gap not wanting to open the door fully. I close the door behind me but he still doesn't look up. I approach his desk, and take a seat in a chair opposite before grabbing a stack of papers.

I flick through them, and my eyes widen slightly. What the fuck is all this. I look up and notice Enzo looking at me. I smile sheepishly, "Amore, don't stress yourself with this" he whispers and I shake my head.

"I want to help" I say reaching for a pen and looking back at the papers. "Do you understand it?" He asks and I look back at him. "Of course. Don't worry" I say hoping he doesn't pick up on the lie.

His face tells me he does but he doesn't say anything. Instead his eyes soften showing that he appreciates that I'm trying. He looks back at his paper and I look back at the ones in my lap. "Fuck" I whisper staring at it.

Lorenzo's pov:

She has no clue what she's doing but I don't stop her. I can tell she feels like she's letting everyone down by not "stepping up" to the role of being Donna. She feels like she's not contributing enough.

But our men respect her and not just because she's my wife but because she's earned it. Everyone within knows what she's been through and they respect her because she hasn't let that define her.

Sky taps the pen to her chin clearly confused as to what she's meant to do. I can help the smile that plays on my lips. Slowly she brings the pen to the paper and begins writing, her face twists as she silently prays she's doing it correctly.

Eventually she will know what to do, I'll start giving her more opportunities to learn. I'll teach her how to be a Donna, not because she's not doing a great job now but because I know she doesn't feel like she is.


She pulls the pen away from the paper and she smiles. As if my smile couldn't get any bigger it does as I glance back at the papers in-front of me. I fucking love my wife.

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