Chapter Six

556 13 5

8 Months

Sky's pov:

"How did I lose to a four year old?" Tyson asks placing down his uno cards. "Your versing my son, of course your going to lose" I say as Keith climbs off my lap and walks over to the coffee table to grab his drink.

I made a mistake sitting on the floor, my back is killing me, baby isn't agreeing and I can't get up. Tyson shoots me a glare and I laugh. My hand flying to my stomach when baby decides to kick me in the ribs, for the fourth time this hour.

"You okay?" Tyson asks and I nod, "This one has a habit of fighting my ribs" I tell him, shifting on the floor trying to get comfortable. He laughs, his hands reaching out for Keith as he goes to sit on his lap.

"Where's Brody?" Tyson asks looking around, "He's having a guys day with Tony" I reply, picking up the cards. "I need to get up" I mumble placing the cards in the couch. "Hop up" Tyson says patting Keith's back.

Keith stands up, Tyson getting up seconds later and makes his way towards me. He holds out his hands and I grab them. Slowly he pulls me up, a small amount of pain shoots through my body. He sits me on the couch and I instantly relax into the cousins.

"Thank you" I whisper, and Tyson nods. He sits down in his original spot, Keith sitting in his lap the moment his ass hits the floor. "Play again?" Keith asks looking up at Tyson. "Sure buddy" he says and Keith stands up grabbing the cards and passing them to Tyson.

"Mummy help?" He asks and I nod. He walks over and climbs on the couch beside me. Tyson begins dealing the cards and Keith places his hand on my stomach. He looks at me confused when theirs no kicking.

"Baby's asleep" I tell him, his mouth forms a O shape. He leans down, my heart melts when he places a kiss to my stomach, "night night" he whispers before sitting back up. Tears well and I look towards Tyson.

He smiles, "You excited to be a big brother?" He asks and Keith nods, a huge grin on his face. "Are you going to help mummy with the new baby?" He asks and again Keith nods.

I'm going to cry

We continue to play, Keith winning most games. Mainly because Tyson let him but we won't destroy the kids confidence. The front door closes and I look up before going back to the game. Footsteps approach and Enzo walks into the living room. Luca not far behind.

"Hey, my beautiful sister in law" Luca shouts walking over and hugging me. I hug him back, "Hey Luca" I mumble as he pulls away. Enzo walks over, leaning down to place a kiss on my lips. "Hey Amore" he whispers, sounding tired.

"Hey baby" I whisper, moving over to allow him to sit next to me. He does so, his hand moving to rest on my stomach. "Our baby been moving much?" He asks and I shrug. "When I was sitting on the floor the  kicking wouldn't stop, but looks like it's nap time" I reply.

Enzo nods, "Ooo Uno, count me in for the next game" Luca says sitting down next to Keith. Keith climbs onto his lap, "help?" He asks and Luca nods. "I thought I was helping you?" I ask and Keith looks towards me. "It's okay" he says before turning back to the cards.

This is going to be an interesting afternoon


I settle into the middle of the bed, my back and feet aching from walking up the stairs. Tyson and Luca left hours ago, and Keith is now in bed. Brody decided that he's going to sleep over at Tony's which I'm perfectly fine with.

He's been a real dick lately, mainly towards me so if i can get a break then I'm not complaining. The bathroom door opens and Lorenzo walks out in nothing but grey sweats, his wet hair falling over his face and water droplets running down his torso.

Fuck me

"Already have Amore" Lorenzo says rubbing the towel over his wet hair. "What?" I ask looking at him confused, "you said that out loud" he replies, throwing the towel into the hamper before making his way towards the bed.

Slowly he climbs on, crawling til he's hovering above me. "I've fucked you many times" he says lowly running his nose along my neck. I suck in a breath, heat pooling in my stomach. "Enzo" I whimper, his hand moves down, his fingers caressing the skin of my inner thigh.

He moves to my collar bone, placing soft kisses there. My back arches, pushing my bump into his stomach. He pulls away and lays down beside me, "why'd you stop?" I ask turning my head to look at him.

"Because, you know me I'm not gentle when I fuck and there's no way in hell I'm risking hurting our baby" he says reaching for his phone. I stare at him, before turning to look at the ceiling. Slowly I turn on my side, my back facing Enzo.

I'm fucking tired anyway

An arm snakes around my waist, and I'm pulled back. "Goodnight Amore" he says placing a kiss just below my ear. "Goodnight" I whisper a smile on my lips as I close my eyes.

A/n: once again no idea where I was going with this 😂

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