Chapter Five

602 21 1

7th month

Sky's pov:

I let out a breath as another braxton hick contraction starts. "You okay?" Carter asks from the kitchen entrance. "Yeah" I murmur taking another breath.

"Have you seen Lorenzo today?" I ask and he shakes his head, "no" he replies. Lorenzo was gone when I woke up and nobody has seen or heard from him. Nodding I slowly get off the stole I'm sitting on and make my way towards the stairs.

This is going to be a challenge

Gripping the railing I slowly walk upstairs and before I know it I'm out of breath. As much as I hated the old apartment it was so much easier when pregnant because of the elevator.

Halfway up the stairs I pause needing a moment to catch my breath. Fuck sake. Taking a deep breath I continue up the stairs stopping again once I'm at the top.

Keith walks towards me dragging Tony behind him. They stop beside me, "you okay?" Tony asks and I nod. "Mummy come play with us outside" Keith says jumping up and down a huge smile on his face.

I look at him and glance back at the stairs. Not saying anything I look back at him, and fuck sake he's giving me the puppy eyes. "These stairs are going to kill me" I mumble turning around and grabbing the railing.

Tony laughs, "you go ahead, I'm going to help your mum" Tony says letting go off Keith's hand and grabbing my arm. I give him a small smile as we make our way downstairs. Once again I stop halfway, my lungs struggling for air.

Keith waits at the bottom, jumping impatiently. We make it to the bottom and the two go ahead, while I slowly waddle behind them. Eventually I make it outside and sit down.


"Hey lovely" Sarah greats as I enter the kitchen. Over the last few years Sarah and I have become extremely close. We're kinda like mother and daughter just without the blood relation.

I stop beside her and look over the ingredients laid out on the counter. "Can I help?" I ask turning to face her. She laughs, "you always do" she says fixing her apron. I laugh and walk towards the sink to wash my hands.

Once they are washed I walk back over to Sarah. We begin preparing everything while talking about whatever's on our minds, pausing every so often so she can feel the baby kick or to talk to Brody.

Half an hour later we're all eating, my mind wondering to Enzo. He's still not home and he's not answering his phone. Nerves build, what if something happened to him.

Oh god please be okay

Lorenzo's pov:

I open the door and step into the foyer, the lights are dim and the house is quiet. I scan the area, stopping when I see Sky curled up on the couch asleep.

Why isn't she in bed?

Walking over I squat down beside the couch, moving a strand of her hair away from her face. A small smile appearing on my lips at how relaxed she is. Slowly I stand up and pull the blanket from her body.

She stirs but doesn't wake. Leaning down I pick her up and she immediately clings to me, her hand fisting my shirt and a smile creeping up on her lips.

Even in her sleep she knows it's me

Gesturing towards a guard to turn the lights off I make my way towards the stairs. "Your home" Sky's mumbles, her sleepy voice breaking the silence. "I'm home" I repeat, kicking the bedroom door open.

"I missed you" she mumbles turning her head into my chest. "I missed you too Amore" I whisper as I lower her onto the bed. She spreads out, instantly looking more comfortable.

Walking into the bathroom I strip from my clothes and change into a pair of grey sweatpants before walking over to the sink to brush my teeth.

Turning the light off I make my way over to the bed and slide in beside Sky. She immediately cuddles into me, "where were you today?" She asks tilting her chin to look up at me.

"Some business came up and it had to be taken care of" I reply, stroking her hair. She hums, sleep desperately trying to take over again. "Go back to sleep Amore" I mumble and she lets out a small sigh. "Will you be here when I wake up?" She asks softly, and I place a kiss on the top of her head.

"I will" I mumble against her hair before placing another kiss there. She smiles softly, her eyes closing. I shuffle, getting myself comfortable before holding her close. One hand rests on her stomach.

Our baby kicks and I smile, laughing when Sky groans. "That was my rib" she mumbles opening her eyes. The baby kicks again and Sky lets out a soft cry, "again" she whispers her hand moving on top of mine.

After a few more kicks our baby settles down and Sky gets comfortable, getting as close as she can to me with her bump in the way before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. I keep my hand where it is on her stomach as I get comfortable and close my eyes.

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