Chapter Seventeen

332 15 2

8 and a half months

Sky's pov:

"Okay sleepy girl, nap time is over" I whisper making my way towards Gabby's crib. I freeze when I see it empty.

Maybe Sarah has her

Leaving the room I head for the kitchen. "Hey Sarah do you have Gabriella?" I ask entering, she turns to me a bowl in hand. "No I haven't seen her since you put her down for her nap" she replies slightly confused.

"Okay" I reply trying to remind calm. Walking towards Keith's room I try to steady my breathing. Maybe she woke up early and Keith wanted to play with her.

Knocking on the door, I peek my head in. "Hey little man have you seen your sister?" I ask, kneeling down beside him. He looks away from his toys and shakes his head. "No mummy" he replies and my breath catches.

"Okay buddy, keep playing" I say leaving his room. Lorenzo's in a meeting but maybe he got her? Taking deep breaths I head for the conference room. With a shaky hand I knock, and peek my head in.

All eyes snap to me and my eyes snapping straight to Lorenzo, who doesn't have Gabriella. There's nobody else who could have her, Brody's with Tony.

Fuck, fuck, fuck

My breathing becomes unsteady, and suddenly it's very hot in here. "Amore?" Lorenzo asks.

When did he end up beside me?

I glance at him, my eyes glossing over. "Amore what's wrong?" He asks quietly, panic clear in his voice.

"It's Gabriella" I whisper, beginning to hyperventilate. "What about her?" He asks, panic now crossing his features. "S-she's" the tears spill over and my entire body begins shaking.

He pulls me close, his arms wrapping around me. "EVERYONE OUT" Lorenzo shouts causing me to flinch. Footsteps scatter and before I know it he's placing me down on a chair.

"Amore, look at me" he whispers, lifting my chin so I can look at him. "I need you to talk to me" he whispers wiping a tear away.

"She's gone" I mumble, my voice breaking. Lorenzo stiffens, his eyes flashing with worry. "What do you mean she's gone?" He asks trying to remain calm. "I-I went to wake her up from her nap and she wasn't there. I checked with Keith and Sarah to see if they had her but they didn't" I explain with a sob.

"Fuck" Enzo mumbles before pulling me into him. I struggle to breathe, my body trembles uncontrollably as I cry into his chest.

She's missing

The house is chaotic, Enzo throws orders at our men while I stare at the wall head. My panic attack has long gone and numbness now fills its place. "Mummy?" Keith's quiet voice snaps me back.

Picking him up I place him on my lap, "what's wrong little man?" I ask quietly moving a strand of his hair. "Is sissy going to be okay?" He asks causing me to freeze.

Fucking hope so

I nod unable to get the words out, his tiny arms wrap around my neck. Instinctively my arms hold him in a tight embrace. Feeling Lorenzo's eyes on us I glance towards him.

Giving us a sad smile he turns his attention back to our men. Pulling back I look down at Keith, "why don't we go play?" I whisper. He nods and climbs off my lap before running out the room.

Standing from my seat, I make my way towards the door. Closing it behind me I make my way across the foyer, freezing when the front door flies open. "Oh my god Sky. I came as soon as I heard" Tyson says wrapping me in his arms.

I hug him back, my eyes glossing over. He places a kiss to my head, "it's going to be okay" he whispers his arms tightening. Tyson knows all about the Mafia, he even tried to convince me to leave Lorenzo when he first found out but gave up once he saw how happy I was.

"UNCLE TY" Keith screams, running towards us with his arms wide. "Hey my favourite tiny human" he says, letting go of me to catch Keith. "I'm not tiny, I'm a big boy" he says crossing his arms with a huff.

I laugh as I run my hand through his hair. "Sure are" I say before placing a kiss to his cheek. "Hey, I'll look after him. You focus on finding Gabriella" Tyson says placing his hand on my shoulder.

Giving him a small smile I turn and head back into the conference room. I make my way back to my original seat beside Lorenzo as I  try my best to hide my emotions.

I just want my baby back

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